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76 280z radiator needed


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i am looking for a good 280z radiator for a decent price. prefer brass/copper as i am not running anything in need of aluminum and cant really afford aluminum and the extra fans anyways as i am in the middle of swapping the l28e back into my 280z. it has the single core and i cant use a 280zx radiator so i am looking for an oe one.


email me or pm for fastest reply. need it by next week. thanks to all and happy holidays :). and lets keep those z's safe and ditch free ;) it is winter after all

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i am looking for a good 280z radiator for a decent price. prefer brass/copper as i am not running anything in need of aluminum and cant really afford aluminum and the extra fans anyways as i am in the middle of swapping the l28e back into my 280z. it has the single core and i cant use a 280zx radiator so i am looking for an oe one.


email me or pm for fastest reply. need it by next week. thanks to all and happy holidays :). and lets keep those z's safe and ditch free ;) it is winter after all



found one just going with a new one i think. got a deal at my local schucks oreilly parts store. 144 and brand new woot. going to be buy it on monday or tuesday unless i get a better deal before then.

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