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Finally sold the rotary motor....


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I've been trying to sell my 13b-RE motor for the last 6 months, casually posting it and bumping threads once ina blue moon. I wanted to avoid shipping it as much as possible. I had tons of offers from east coast, but no one locally wanted to buy it. Several people that showed interest, as usual, flaked on it day or 2 before pickup.


I had a guy contact me and tell me he would be coming out to pick it up from Florida. Apparently he works for an airline, so he flew in for free, rented a car, drove over and picked up the engine. I think the rental was a nissan sentra? I didn't pay much attention to it, but the trunk was fairly spacious. We carried the motor by hand, since it's only 150lbs or do as a shortblock. He also picked up both transmissions (3 feet long each), a pallet (not pictured), and tons of spare parts I gave him.





He drove it back to the airport, and is probably in the process of crating it up right now to ship it back to florida. This almost ties the HybridZ guy that drove out from Montana to buy capt_furious's motor and we loaded it up on his semi

Edited by auxilary
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