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Blog 7797

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Update - Feb. 7 2010

Man this winter has been unreal... Yesterday morning I blew snow for about an hour while I was letting the fire warm the garage... By yesterday afternoon we'd picked up another 10 inches and I had to go back over it again... We're at over 2 feet.   So, I managed to finish up the base for the driver's seat, and get it primed and painted and ready to reinstal the seat. I also managed to finish up the hood Dzeus fastener adjustment so they all work now... Today I might get back down th



Recap from today...

So today was eventful...   I welded up all four side mount plates for the Dzues fasteners, and then drilled all of the holes in the bumper cover. I then mounted the pop-out aluminum Dzues fasteners inplace on three of the 6 locations... I ran out of pop-rivets, so that part of the project is on hold until I can get more rivets.   I also welded on the extension for the front tow hook. While I was at it, I added gussets for the oil filter relocation mount, and welded gu



Updates to the projects...

We're in final preparation for this coming season for track events, and I'd previously mentioned to the wife that I really expected to use the trailer a lot more this year. The "wants" list for the trailer is fairly large, since the trailer, although having finished ceiling and walls, is pretty basic. I've got a work bench with a grinder and vice, along with a wire wheel, but no power. I need to have a small subpanel installed, better lighting for the interior, an AC system for the roof, a so



Biggest snow storm in the decade for December...

"Why doesn't he just finish it"...   I've heard that a lot.   Reality is there are 24 hours in the day, and they, along with the customer contract, the company, the family, and the life that gets in the way, take a lot out of me. I'm but a man...Shocker, I know.   This weekend I invited and asked Tom Harris, Joe G., Pete Paraska, Doug Carrow, and Glenn McCoy to come out and lend a hand... Now were getting the largest snow storm that has ever hit the east coas



While in the garage today...

... I was mounting mirrors and thinking "gee, maybe I'm within reach!" of finishing this project.   11 years ago I started in on a V8 Zcar and made a little bit of a name... And then life happened. First, I made a great car, and enjoyed it. Then I met others, thru this board, who had greater talent and made greater cars... Bad move.. I started wanting my car to be like theirs...   Years passed, and that car went south to North Carolina...I got distracted making control



Wow, A hybridZ Blog... From me...

We're in the middle of sorting the final few issues with my project car... The goal is to get it to the track soonest (likely spring) so I can then think about sorting it.   Yup you read it here... The goal is to have the car "done" by the Watkins Glen event in 2011. It'll be in attendance and will have a for sale sign on it. It's time for me to move on to a dedicated race car, and I've pretty much taken my Zcar dreams as far as I dare go. Once this one is done and de-bugged, It



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