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About eddieeats

  • Birthday 04/02/1966

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    Denver, CO

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  1. I had replaced the gear shift bushings with brass ones, they are plastic or nylon from factory. I found that the brass ones were just loose enough to cause a rattle. I changed them back to plastic or nylon and the rattle was gone. I don't know if this is the same problem your having and I hope it is as it's an easy fix. I hope it works out for you.
  2. JSM is correct drop and clean the tank before you go spending money on other stuff then change the fuel filter and also put a fram G3 clear fuel filter between the tank and the fuel pump that will let you see how clean it really is.
  3. I rebuilt mine last year off a 77 280z. I had no idea of how so I just pulled it apart and found that there are no bearings just bushings and three pistons inside. I went to a O-Ring supply company here in Denver and replaced all the o-rings & oil found at Napa (the bottle was defiantly from the 70's LOL). then I filled it up with R34 instead of R12 and it worked (40 at the vents) but I haven't yet checked it out this year to see if it held over the winter. It was pretty easy to do but like everything 90% of the time spent was just cleaning all the parts to get the grease off.
  4. Hey everyone I have a 77 280 and am rebuilding the stock engine. I’ve upgraded the camshaft to a stage one with a lift of 460 and duration of 260. My N47 head has been to the machine shop for cleaning and reseating of the valves, he only shaved .010 off to flatten the bottom. The rocker arms, springs, retainers & lash pads are all new. My concern is the wipe pattern that I’m seeing, I have two different size lash pads .170 & .150, Motorsport doe’s not have the .160 and I can’t seem to find them anywhere. with the .170, after setting the valve lash, I’m seeing a wipe pattern centered on the lash pad (follower guide) but comes very close to falling off the valve side of the rocker arm, less than 1.5mm. I installed the .150 lash pads and now the wipe on the rocker has centered but the wipe on the lash pad has moved off center toward the pivot. I’ve checked all 12 and can’t seem to get them both centered at the same time. I’ve been searching and reading about this but can’t find anything about the importance of the wipe on the lash pad, here’s a photo of the wipe on all 12. My question is will the wipe on the lash pads be ok to use or is there another option I’m missing? Thanks
  5. Have you checked out this site yet? http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/
  6. They go tapered end facing down. When you pull the strut off the car you will see that the ring at the top will fit inside the cap that the spring sits in, there's one in there already just replace it and your good to go!
  7. Sorry it is tapered end down, I worked on my last year a couldn't remember until I was corrected.
  8. After you drop the strut in and install the cap they slide down the piston shaft tapered end up and will put themselves in place after install. There a bumper between the top of the strut and where the piston rod connects to the chassis.
  9. I had to grind mine down a bit and haven't had any problem as of yet
  10. These cars a great, I've just started working on my 77 as well. The look of the car you want it to be is cool, have you seen what the car looks like with a ZG nose (Gnose)? I'm thinking of this look for my Z. Have a great time with it!!
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