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Posts posted by chaos

  1. I just had a MLS done by cometic, took a week to make and ship to me so not bad. Looks great quality stuff, one down side is it being 240$. But I know to many guys that blew the HG from boosting too much. Another option if your looking for a normal thickness HG ( I wasn't got a 1.6mm) you van look into the rd site guess they are cheaper then they use to be and it's a great MLS.

  2. Just wondering you see if your bank light switch is still good, just asking cuz my last z was having intermediate brake light issues and found out it was a wire not having full contact sometimes. The other fast lights only thing I can think of its the fuse and well that's a normal looking spot. Not sure if anything I said helps but like I said hope you find it out soon.

  3. Oh already have the 280zx turbo alternator, so not worried really money had been going into the l28et and gonna be upgrading to the datsunstores 125 amp alternator. But ya that sounds like a bad night happening for yourself I hope you find out what is causing it sooner then later.

  4. I hope it's not oil, just got the engine back together on the stand...but ya it's a yellow fluid that wouldn't come off in the hot tank or brake cleaner and a few other attempts.


    I'll post a few photos tomorrow if I can find out how to do so on mobile.


    Yellow varnish that GETS on the head, as opposed to deliberately applied at assembly?


    Just checking, are you sure you aren't talking about baked on oil from a leak somewhere?



  5. Ok I'm hoping this will be in the correct area for this question, but I'm trying to find a way to remove the yellow sealant or varnish that gets on the head without pulling it all apart and blasting it. Any input would be helpful and if need I can get photos of it monday afternoon.


    Thanks all.

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