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Everything posted by FI_JUNKY

  1. ok so i have a greddy turbo timer with no harness that i am looking to wire into my 83 280 and i'm having hell trying to find a diagram of which wires go where, can anyone help me with this?
  2. the funny thing is i'm not a total ideot about the l28 i was just hoping for a bit of input and opinions... kinda sux only a few really took it seriously, as for my 280 i have an rb25 in the garage on the stand i'm currently workin on building up and dropping in. i plan on taking the l28 and dropping it into my 710
  3. haha so how do u explain bob sharp and paul newman's race cars?
  4. ok, so i have a petty well bone stock, well maintained '83 280zxt. what would be the simplest way for me to make a good 300-400hp that will be dependable for daily driving? i already plan on dropping in a fmic and uprgrading to possibly a t4 or t3-t4hybrid. can anyone shoot out some possibilities for me please? and thanks in advance
  5. hi, new to the site... my question is what is a good injector(s) (not too pricy) between 400-500cc that i can find and drop in with no sort of mods needed to run? and also will i have idle problems if i go any bigger than 500? because i would really like to go 550 with out causing myself problems. can anyone please help??? by the way i have a pretty well bone stock '83 280zx. any recomendations would be well appreciated, thanks!
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