hahaha ya I apaologize again tony its just so irritating to know that if the car was efi it woulda been running along time ago. The car is just stuck right now and this pisses me off, but ill take your advice...Ill try to calm down to allow my patience to go back up and then I will begin reading about useless carbs and then ill get back to you.
Oh and im pretty sure all the old gas has been burned up, Ive been puttin lots of gas in and it will all get burned up just from idling for like 10 mins. I also have not even drove it yet, since it doesnt rev up when I go to engage the clutch it just stalls obviously cuz its not gettin gas. I checked the dampers after unscrewing them and when I pull it out theres redish oil on them and theres resistance when I try to push the piston up with my finger, So im guessing theres enough oil in the dampers.
So its just basically liked I explained earlier... The butterfly side of the carb which is bolted to the manifold is opening when I give it gas because its connected to that throttle rail. So it has no choice but to open, now for the piston side of the carb...The pistons just stay shut at idle and when I gas it!!! therefore letting no air in to have air fuel mixture! therefore burning up all the gas quickly. soooo tell me what you would do in this situation?? I would love to learn about these carbs but really dont have alot of time right now to sit around and read about it, Ive always been a hands on learner!! tell me what do to do or show me what to do and there ya go! I learned somethin new lol