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Posts posted by Two40MuscleZ

  1. Thats right Tim..."HAPPY BIRTHDAY OWEN"...lmao


    Stage dancing and ballons are optional this year Owen. All of the Hybriders that joined in last years festivities had a ball. It would be a shame to break with tradition. Besides Owen, the girls just loved you.


    Whatever you two decide on, just let me know. Like a fool, I took this week off to work on the crate. So, Fridays open for me...pending rain that day!


    On a more serious note...Weekend weather forcast called for rain & thunderstorms...tonight changed to partly sunny with a chance of rain in the afternoon/evening. Being SoCal and all, dont be suprised if its clear, sunny and in the 80's by then. At least that is what I am hoping for.



  2. Last Summer I did some research into the "Lambo" type doors for an application to the Two40MuscleZ. There were 2 companies here in Southern California who stated that they could make the mods necessary to achieve that look. The cost was around $2500, parts and labor. It would only take one day to complete, and they were back logged approx 4-6 weeks; at that time. I hesitated not for the price, but because I am certain that, just like the V-8 applications that we do currently, the technology will improve thus giving a better product and price structure. There is also a company out of Canada that will sell you a "how to" brochure...save your money, I've seen it! Eventually, once the MuscleZ is ready for that stage of its development,,,the doors will "go up". Its a novel concept. Just the current tech. is not quiet there yet...at least for the Z's.



  3. I wish to express my appreciation to Tim240Z, for hosting this past Sundays Fall HZSCC 4th Annual BBQ. Approximately, a dozen made the gathering. There were a few new faces, always good to see, as well as a few of the "Old Farts" like myself!. The day was mid 70's clear and sunny. Food fare featured BBQ Chicken & Ribs, salads, and an host of condiments/drinks. Besides the usual "bench racing" and fooling around, we reviewed some club business, discussing prospective events/up-coming runs, etc.


    For those of you who missed the festivities, hope to see you next year. Watch for up-comming HZSCC Calendar Events & Up-dates.


    All-in-all, it was a great time. Thanks Tim for all you do. HybridZ SoCal benifits greatly by your enthusiasm, generosity and thoughtfulness.



  4. ...Aaron Said, "I was thinking about Lone the other day. LoneHDrider and and LoneinAZ was the same guy. He got another username when he first moved to AZ. Last I remember, he had sold his Z, gotten an 80's turbo AWD Toyota, and wrecked his HD (women pulled out in front of him). Looks like this was his last post."


    UPDATE: I spoke with Lone several months ago. His new AKA is Preacher, as he now is playing in a "Blues Brothers" Band in AZ. He is totally out of the HybridZ scene. Seems to be happy with his new venture. He still has his "Harley" and a girl or two in tow. Other than that he is status for the moment.



  5. Guys: Now what does that tell you about ordering from MSA! Have them correct the problem by having the rightt parts reshipped overnight express...and because of their screw up, they need to pick up the tab! Any decent company worth their salt will do that. It was their error, they should do you right. Otherwise, you need to spread the word. If enough people vent, their business will start to feel the pinch. Your not the first...unfortunately, you won't be the last. For people who live distance, the problem just multiplies. I guess this is my way to vent and support your frustrations.



  6. :roll: Although, the weather was less than sunny, Sponsors GroupZ were unorganized and lost in pulling this one off! Show packets and T-shirts never arrived. Judging and registration...in a word, very poorly done. Food was lacking and if you found any the selection was limited and it was overpriced for what was offered. Bathrooms, not enough and placed out in the "North Forty". Generally, I for one was not impressed with the Sponsors. The only bright spot in the event was the opportunity to meet Mr. K. and his top designer and have our hats autographed. Be that as it may, the Hybrids that did show left a lasting impression on all who strolled by. Owens new hood was a show stopper, as was Tims freshly painted Mongoose. The engine in my "Orange Crates" also managed to turn a few heads. By the early afternoon we were all ready to go. The best trophy, which we all shared was the fact the HZSCC made an impressionable showing the first time out of the gate. Look for up coming HZSCC meeting dates and Show schedules.


    VAN, HZSCC PIO/Enforcer

  7. In California when a "Chester" Rolls in one of two things happen. 1, he either keeps a real low profile and/or 2 he PCs up. In most cases within weeks the Inmate is targeted and usually beat down or shanked (stabbed) by his fellow Cellies. If the Imnate survives, he continually lives in that circle of fear. Always watching and waiting for the next unannounced visit. So in essence he has created his own living Hell, that repeats and he never knows when. That being said...plesant dreams Chester!

  8. :oops: = MAD...Question: Why waste your valuable time responding to a "Negative Purist" who wants to thorw cheap shots at a subject that has no validity. Get over it Sagan...Your not any better than anyone else because you still run the original seat covers and stock hub caps on that peace of Jap tin that you own!


    Some of the words missing from your vocabularly must include Hot Rods, Custom cars, concept design, Chuck Barris, Big Daddy Roth, Boyd Coddington, Jessie James, Rad Rides by Troy, just to name a few.


    Before casting stones at individuals who take more pride and concern with building up their peaces of Jap tin then you obviously do; check out where this sport is heading. If your idea of a Hot Cruise Night with the boys is parking your ride along side all the other stock, nothing to really look at, 18 gauge aluminum cans, and watching the spider webs being spun in the back window, then go for it! I wish you all the best.


    But, nothing gives you the right, to rag on someone who has expended time, energy, blood, swet, tears and a good part of their income into a project that can down right out look, out trophy and most certainly out perform anything that the aftermarket has to offer you. It's not about keeping things stock, or about how much money someone throws into their project. Its a matter of pride and individuality. From your outlash of unwarrented comments, it certainly reflects exactly what you and your run of the mill horseless carriage is sorely lacking.


    Sorry if I offended any of the Hybriders. VAN

  9. "Yeah, those were the days" now all we can do is remember how things used to be. Still wish it was around. I can remember turning on the TV and watching the races, turn off the sound, and open the front windows and listen to the real time noise! Yeah, those really were fun times! Now its a damn Shopping Mall, homes and apartments. Gone to hell in a hand basket. I'll stop now; !$#^T(*_&%^%#$$(^()&)*!!!! enough said!

  10. John Washington is the fellow you need to talk with. You can go to his site "Reaction Research" or doing a search for YZ flairs. There should be a number and/or E-mail to contact him. Also, new rear fender flairs list from him for $500 a pair less shipping.



  11. ERK:


    When and what airport are you coming into? Riverside is not like upstate NY. Not as humid and much warmer. You picked a nice time to head out this way. Avg. temps around 75-85. Air is denser than USNY, smog and all. But there is lots to do in this area.



  12. It's about 45 minutes in no traffic east of the coast line.

    There are a couple in that general area' date=' I think, but the sane ones of us live closer to the shoreline!! :D:D:D[/quote']


    "The sane ones"...thanks Tim! LOL

  13. The first time I went to a OKZCCA Meet last fall, every single guy I talked to told me not to put the V8 in the car, that it would ruin it.


    AH, Bill this is SoCal were talking about. We seem to be one of the more progressive areas for custom car concepts/designs. However, if you take the initative I'm certain that before long the "purists" will duley take note and see things in a whole differnt light. Change is never easily accepted. But that shouldn't stop you from creating and achieveing your own dream. Thats what HZ-SC has started. Just watch, before long they will be everywhere. Then what do you think the purists will say...nothing of any consiquence!


    Talk it over with your other Z friends, and keep us advised if we can help.



  14. Zhadman:


    Associate members are individuals who may not own a Z car but have an interest in them. If you already own one, that satisfys one of the requirements for Active Membership. Being underconstruction is simply a stage of progression. And that is where most of us currently are; at one stage or another. Hope that helps. Thanks for the question.



  15. Press Release: April 30,2004: Southern California



    Owen, Tim240Z and Two40MuscleZ are pleased to announce the creation of the first “HybridZ SoCal†Chapter, Car Club. HZ-SC is a non-profit club, comprised of all Zcar enthusiasts, but not specifically limited to Hybrid V-8 Conversions only. Members currently involved in the SoCal area are encouraged to join. Also, prospective Z owners may join as Associate Members. All HZ-SC Club Officers are confident that this venture will enhance the establishment of other HZ local area Chapters. Events on a Coast to Coast scale will be more readily accessible to individuals living large distances away from such events. It is also understood that this localization will unify and strengthen current HZ.Org membership.


    Club Summary as follows:

    1st Chapter Officers:

    President/Treasurer: Tim240Z

    VP/Secretary: Owen

    Enforcer/PIO: Two40muscleZ.


    Membership dues: $12.00 per year

    Meetings: Quarterly: Jan, April, July, and Oct.

    Monthly Newsletter Posting

    Participating Vendor Discounts

    Technical Presentation(s)/Featured Guest Speakers

    Multi-Club Gatherings/Tours/Rally’s


    Membership forms will be forthcoming. Up-dates will be posted as they become available. Send all inquiries to: Two40MuscleZ@aol.com

  16. Hey Mike: I'll take some PICS and put a few up for all to get a better idea of what it's like. Unfortunately, the Sunday Drags I won't be able to make. But the cruise/open header festivatives on Sat., yes I will put them up! Hope that eases your pain a bit!


    ATB, VAN

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