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  1. Hey, can you hold off on shipping it until the end of the week... Sorry about not responding sooner... I'm pretty much bed ridden and judging from my yellow sputum, some kind of bacterial infection on its way out the door. Not to mention I just bought a new motherboard for my pc which ran me up the wall for 180$ since they didn't have the one I wanted which would have saved me 40 bucks and I could have purchased the crossmember this weekend. Would you mind holding on to it until this upcoming weekend? In the mean time you can pm me your paypal email and when I get the 40, I'll send it your way! Thank you and I'm terribly sorry for the hassle :/
  2. Yeah I am still looking for it, would you be able to pull it?
  3. Oh I have a 1973 240, I'm sorry for not tanking down the tread, I'm not sure how to but I'm buying one from Leon but thanks for the interest!
  4. Yeah 40 shipped sounds fine, pm me how you want it done and ill do it on Saturday
  5. Sorry didnt get to see the 2 most recent post before I replied but yes that is what I am looking for. Thank you.
  6. No actually, http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=370647431132&index=14&nav=SEARCH&nid=68055666438, is what I was looking for and I feel stupid for never having typed in crossmember but thank you very much for trying to help me find it, I will probably delete this post since its kind of misleading a make a new one.
  7. I apologize, yes I am looking for the cross member x.x, thank you for asking/correcting me.
  8. Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted on the forum and ill be sure to post why in a more relevant thread but for the mean time I'm looking for what seems to be a very hard part to find and most people seem to fabricate their own and the ones who do fab their own dont give fantastic instructions to do so yourself but in any case I am trying to find the front most mount for the differential in the s30 ( i have a 73' 240) that also holds the fronts of the control arms in. I think there is a guy on this forum that fabs and sells them but I haven't seen a post from him recently and I didn't find any front diff mounts in the listed parts for sale. Thanks for any replies! Ps. Sorry if I violated any thread rules, I looked them over again real quick but I seem to break them all the time >.> haha Thanks guys
  9. My dad always said the n/a 280 was the most fun car he's ever driven... and he's driven a lot of things. He said it could never keep up with the quattro that he always wanted but it had enough power that he didn't wish he had bought the turbo and he got about 30mpg so he always had his foot in it... partially because the fuel pump was bad haha.
  10. personally I think the ka is a better motor than the sr but that's a different argument..... nice car though!, it hurts to hear you say you bought the full race manifold and it didn't fit... that so expensive it makes me cringe lol
  11. Granted, it's not an s30 but since I rarely ever see on datsun, there is a red 280zx in this town I always go to on the weekends (along with a gunmetal GTR which breaks my neck XD) and every time I see her I just slam on my brakes and watch her go by... I've never been able to catch the guy to talk to him. If I saw that happening, I'd turn my head til it fell off!
  12. This brought tears to my eyes... lol good luck bro. I've never used POR but I hear good things about it but personally I don't know if I would use it on a unibody car because people say it works better if you paint over the rust and not remove the rust but I don't know, I'm no body work guy, people just say it sticks better. I need to ask the guy I bought mine from where he bought the floor pans, all I know is he called up some old company but he couldn't find the magazine to tell me.
  13. Did you just take a **** load of pictures and tie them all together lol. Thanks big time
  14. For starters sorry I haven't posted more... I've been so busy with work and my main project I just haven't had any time for my other two toys, but with winter coming up and things slowing down at work I should have some time to get some work done on the z at least.... more on that later though... I mainly just wanted to ask if someone could post me a picture of the underside of a 240 or a diagram so I kind of have a map... not only is this my first ground up car but its also the first unibody I'm doing major work on so I'm not 100% confident yet on where exactly everything bolts up and as much as I try I can't seem to find a good diagram on the net or on any of my shop's programs since they pretty much don't have diagrams past 1985 T.T.... yeah anyways I'm just trying to figure out how to bolt up these control arms and the rack and support and all that on the first go without fighting too much. Thanks again!
  15. Well the car you describe is pretty much worth upwards of 3 grand not seeing it... I would jack it up and take a hard look underneath... sadly your bound to find something to bring down the price, look at the tires check the shocks, look it the spare tire well and at the spare, tell her the chassis of these cars always seem to fall out of spec and it will need and alignment once you get the shocks... go overboard.
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