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Everything posted by Richlkyl666

  1. alright cool thanks and does the plating process destroy rubber parts?
  2. Richlkyl666

    EGR header?

    i just did this i bought a diffrent header without a egr fitting and all i did was create a plate to block off the egr riser (egr valve removed) and plugged the ports. car isnt running right now so idk if it will effect anything.
  3. i got a stock 78 280z, on a cold start the engine cranks over fast due to the 700 cca battery but the motor seems like its not getting the gas to start. fuel pump works, injectors have been cleaned, all the filters have been replaced. on a warm start the motor will fire up right away. i dont know what could be causing this, except maybe a relay switch
  4. Does anyone know what the manufactures used on the fuel rail, fuel rod, dash pot, ect... to get that gold color. im restoring a 78 280z and i need to get it as close as possible to original.
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