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About zdrifter280

  • Birthday 09/28/1985

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Does anyone know where i can find a good wiring schematic so that i can figure this out im going on day 2 of searching for the info i need and apparently the interweb doesnt know everything
  2. Ive been searching for hours and cant find an ecu pinout i was more hopeing someone whos done it or has it could help me
  3. Im wiring an MSD 6AL box on my 1983 280ZX Turbo and i cant figure out what to wire the green and purple distributor signal wires to can anyone help me? Ive tried wireing them too the aplifier wires the lil box that sits on the on the side of the stock coil and no luck. And i cant find any color codes or anything on the MSD website ?? Thanks in advance
  4. I have pessurized the system from the turbo inlet with a compressor up to like 30 somthing lbs. and there were no leaks.
  5. So i have an 83 zxt, with the z31 ecu, MAF and a front mount other than that its stock internals and fuel. I was running 15 lbs on a dsm side mount fine no problems and i put the front mount on and as soon as i hit any boost it cuts out and back fires. I am running an afc 2 and ive tried adding fuel and pulling fuel and running it with out the afc. I dont know what else to do? The plugs are new, it has an acell coil, new Dis. cap, rotor and wires. Ive tried crimping the return line to see if it had to do with fuel pressure and nothing makes a difference sombody help me !
  6. I havent done the torch thing but i have hooked a air hose up to the compressor inlet of the turbo and ran like 30psi threw the whole system and dont hear any leaks !
  7. No i dont have access to one of those . But i've found that when i start it cold if i add like 20% fuel with the AFC that it will somewhat fix it though and i dont have to wait for it to warm up to drive it !
  8. what do you mean gas usage ? if you mean mpg it is s**t like close to 10mpg . I havent gotten a chance to test the fuel pump and circuit but it is getting fuel up top in the rpm band it really only boggs under 3k rpm .
  9. So a couple of days ago my 83 zxt started running like s**t ! When its cold and i start it it has to warm up before i can even touch the gas or it boggs and pops threw the intake and even after it warms up it still does it up till like 3k rpm but its driveable, and it done this once before like a month ago but it fixed itself and has been fine since . I have done the Z31 ECU converstion and am running an SAFC-2 and 240sx tps and it has been running perfect for the past several months with that setup . I have tested and checked everthing i can think of the fuel pressure is @ 35 at idle and 40 when i open the throttle the CHTS is giving the correct ohm readings the dist. timing is at 20* btdc the cam timing is on compression is good i have never been running the cold start stuff there are no boost leaks ive checked all the wiring several times idk what else to do does anybody have any other ideas ?!
  10. I was just wondering if any one has or has read the blink codes on the Z31 ecu after the conversion if you have any and if so which ones just curious? Because mine is showing a few but the car is running great.
  11. I fixed that problem now the car runs but when its cold it boggs if i gve it any gas even when it warms up it still bogs just not half as bad.
  12. Does any one know how to test a Z31 MAF I did the conversion on my 83' ZXT by following Afshins directions and it ran like ♥♥♥♥ I think the MAF I have could be bad does anyone know the resistance values between the pins on a good one so I can test mine. Thanks - Robert-
  13. Yes it will rev past 3000 rpm like ♥♥♥♥ but if i push it it will. Is there any way to test the MAF like resistance values or somthing if so do you know what they are and how do you test it?
  14. Ok I just finished the swap as you directed I have an 85 turbo ecu and maf on an 83 280zxt and everything is wired as you did and the car starts but it wont idle and it is coughing out alot of smoke seems to be running way to rich the smoke smells like raw fuel. And it seems to be running on like 4 cylinders missing like crazy. I've tried switching injectors 2 & 5 and the knock sensor but that makes no difference, and there are no ecu blink codes IDk what it could be . Has anyone else had this happen?
  15. The motor is stock and i turned up the boost today to like 9-10 lbs. and i drove it down the street a few times and it was fine the one time I heard the pop off valve go off and now it will rev fine in neutral but when in drive as soon a i give it any gas under load it almost dies and wont go any where and if i unplug th knock sensor it I can drive it up till like 2800-3000 rpm then it boggs has this happened to anyone else ?
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