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Everything posted by truckin

  1. i shoot r390sports a email looking for a rb26 lets see what he comes up with
  2. thanks for the heads up on OSUCKA ill keep lookin
  3. when you order your motor and it arrives how can you tell that they have sent you the proper r33/r34 and not a r32 version osaka jdm quoted me a price 2200 for a rb25det r33 shipped to my door good price or keep looking?
  4. just sourced a rb26dett with rb25det tranny all looms manifolds sencors and ecu's for 4200 at http://www.jazzproparts.com but it doesnt say what r- it is?? i can get this pick up and delivered to me for free so might be a plus anybody ever purchased form them
  5. found this info on rb25det wiring maybe helpful http://www.rb25det.org look under specs and tecks hope it helps
  6. for the money which would be the better choice which has the better upside have sourced a few places to get a 25 fornt clip alot of the basic questions i will not have to deal with cuz have a shop to do swap for me like wiring and electronics i just need to provide the bulk of the parts and they will do the work including cv's custom tranny mounts drive shaft dyno tune ect. im a trucker im never home to do it myself
  7. ok have read every thread i can find on rb swaps but have not found the difference between the two, or read it and forgot i read it cuz was talking about something else in that thread so point me toward some info on the differences in the two ie number, performance, and maybe parts availability type stuff i know the 26 is a chunk of change more but i can spend it if its really worth it dont flame me
  8. yah driver give us a price range // help a fellow trucker out man let us know alittle more about the motor and what already on it and that kind of stuff
  9. would like to have a source for those wheels ?
  10. check our 1 fast z he has fab'ed just such a thing and i am currently trying to get mine built from him right now
  11. guys e85 is not the answer, the production cost of e85 is just as high as regular fossil fuels. the only reason that the e85 is able to compet in todays market is becuase the federal exsize tax it not included. in the trucking industry they are claming that the bio-fuel is better and the alternative to regular desiel fuel. however they rushed the product to market and didnt do any research on it before hand and now we have clogged fuel filters injector problems and gelling in cold weather and very poor fuel milage. the true problem is the market speculators and the envirometalist not allowing big oil to go get more sources of oil and to have the ability to refine it (this is almost breaking a site rule on politics) to much of this issue is being used as a politacal football and not enough action is being taken to resolve the problem i need a spell check function so i would causin u agains using e85 just yet or converting you ride to use e85 until the market settles down whats goin to happen in 6months when e85 is not available and the price shoots to 4$ a gallon/ this is just speculation but i would wait
  12. truckin


    ok the only thing IMO that would poss help performance would be on the surface drag side meaning having a smoother finish to your paint might decrease your air drag a very small fraction other than that i guess you would think about the weight of the paint itself and what color is the lightest and would cover the car with the thinnest amount of paint to still look good what color that is i dont know still talking very small fractions of benefit pink is the fastest color.... lol
  13. notice all the posts under the video claiming rednecks i r a redneck and those "hossiers" are not real rednecks no real redneck is goin to jack with some one just cuz they drive a bmw alot of rednecks drive bemmers since they are made in the south notice the dummies northern accent that aint no redneck talkin the redneck was the dude in the bmw dont start no sh*t wont be no sh*t but back me in a corner and a redneck will fight back good old beemer driver what fun you had that day
  14. found this may be a lead for ya http://classifieds.hybridz.org/showproduct.php?product=1920&cat=18&page=1 did a google search for pdk fiberglass and was first on list
  15. dude use the search or risk getting flamed on this site there are many threads on that subject
  16. has any one used a company called "asap motors and transm" they advertise 81 to 83 280zx t motors for 595 plus shipping http://www.asapmotors.com/
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