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David K

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Posts posted by David K

  1. All i know is my headest mic stopped working a couple of days ago and i need to solder some wires. Damn, i got desperate to play Battlefield with the guys on teamspeak and searched around the house and found the lifesaving element in my kids room.


    Ladies and gentlemen, custom headsets from david k. Now taking orders. If you order in the next 30 seconds, ill throw in a snack pack pudding of your choice (also my kids).




    The kid is sad he cant sing along to his tapes and the lady is thinking about leaving my pathetic ass over this. All is peachy though. I reallllllllllllllly need to get the Z's running...

  2. If that red Z is the car you are having problems with, i would just take the loss and keep it and not trouble yourself chasing this guy for money or other compensation. If i were you, i wouldnt bother with the headache because what you get out of it isnt worth all the time you are gonna put in. Just use it as a learning experience. Dont take this as talking down on you, but what were you thinking buying a car without checking up on it before hand?

  3. I think the lap record for an Enzo on the OEM street tires at WSIR is 1:23 - (faster then a GT2 car and a Formula Ford). When you get your car built David and are running around those times, let me know. I'll rent an Enzo, put some Hoosiers on it, and we can see if your homebuilt can hang... :-D


    Got $150,000? lol Ok yes i admit ill get slaughtered.

  4. Have you guys seen this? http://losangeles.craigslist.org/ant/car/301154803.html


    $6000? You know i had to email the guy. I said "$6,000 dude, its never going to happen."


    He says

    "lol...i find that very funny...i guess you're not the one that's going to buy,huh! i don't think you know too much about the 280ZX turbos! i've seen one go for $9500.00 on ebay and it wasn't even a turbo! ebay will be my next step."


    Ha! Its been on craigslist for as many months as i can remember.

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