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Everything posted by MY77Z

  1. jahra is the right spelling but its not the best city to see in kuwait, actualy its one of the worst you should have gone to the bay area in kuwait or what we call it ''the gulf street'' where you could find all the malls, restaurants, cafes and all the chicks too ...
  2. hehehehe yup i know that, called ''the'' fiberglass guy here in kuwait, gonna stop by his shop after i fire the engine for a new cowl hood and an Air dam
  3. hi guys, more photos of my muZtang this time with the engine sittin in, saturday will run new fuel lines with dual fuel pumps, mount the battery in the trunk and remove the A/C and power steerin pumps, get everything ready to fire it by sunday or monday thats all for today and YES I KNOW WE WORK REALY REALY FAST HERE IN KUWAIT Ali
  4. great car and sounds good too,wouldnt change the exhaust set-up, and i love the steering wheel, where did you find it??
  5. frank, where in europe? well im checkin with another shippin co tomorow, i think its cheaper than the co's i called today ill let you guys know the shippin coast to the states and europe Ali
  6. OMG....called the shippin co today, to ship 10.5lbs to arizona e.g, 150 bucks for just the shippin, i better sell them here in kuwait... 150 shippin, that means i have to sell the flywheel for 100 so you guys can get a decent price, i payed 370 bucks for the flywheel and shippin to kuwait
  7. hi guys, just got my car back from the paint shop, fixed all the dents, removed the bumpers, shaved all the wholes, painted the engine bay. the car is ready for paint after i drop the engine and fire it here are some photos thats all for today guys, more photos are to come
  8. hi guys, my name is ali and im from kuwait, i have a 1977 280Z, two monthes ago, i was thinking about gettin more HP from the L28 engine, i bought a pacesetter header, a 60mm throttle body with it's spacer, a 10.5lb fidanza flywheel and a K&N cold air kit.... my problem is that i dont need those parts anymore since i took the L28 out and getting ready to put a 302 ford instead..... all the parts above are brand new except for the 60mm TB, and never been installed on my car or any other car.... if somebody is interested, let me know but keep in mind that im shippin the parts all the way from kuwait..... thanks Ali
  9. im not sure about it but i think YES, those are the stock 14'' rims, if you know how wide are they, please tell me check my photo gallery to see how ugly they looked when i got the car, a little polish and paint could totaly change them
  10. hi guys, im trying to find the color code for the 2006 corvette's '' LE MANS BLUE METALIC'' wasn't able to find it, what i found was BMW's le mans blue: code: 381 does somebody know if it's the same color or not?? and if somebody has the vette's code, please help me out here thanks Ali
  11. hi guys, just got my car back from the paint shop, fixed all the dents, removed the bumpers, shaved all the wholes, painted the engine bay. the car is ready for paint after i drop the engine and fire it here are some photos thats all of today guys, more photos are to come
  12. hi guys, just got my car back from the paint shop, fixed all the dents, removed the bumpers, shaved all the wholes, painted the engine bay. the car is ready for paint after i drop the engine and fire it here are some photos thats all for today guys, more photos are to come
  13. thanks what i see is gettin side pipes in not really a good idea if im buildin a race car and thats what im gonna do , tryin to get 450HP out of my 5.0. well i guess ill keep this project waitin for a while ali
  14. happy to hear that another 500Z will be born, not sure what info you need?? just tell me what you need and the guys here and me will try to help out...also read read and read about ford swaps in this forums, this is a great site to learn from.
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