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Posts posted by Calgary280ZT

  1. Check out this site http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/turbo.htm


    There is a lot of info there and it will answer 80% of your question. Then when you come back and ask more questions, they will more specific and you will find people more eager to answer them.


    I know it probably POs you to have people just tell you to use the search button, but if you knew how often that question was asked on this forum...also check out the Turbo section in this forum, there are one or two stickies relevant to your question.

  2. The timing for your thread couldn't be better. My car's been out of commission most of the summer while we put the new head, turbo etc on it...and now it won't run! Talk about frustrating. First we weak and intermittent spark, now no spark at all. We've been working our way through the ignition wiring, checking all the components. Doesn't help that Wolf V500 ECU was just installed, so who knows if a wire is loose or a ground isn't grounded properly...could be anything. Back at it tonight. Can't tell how much I want to drive the car!!! And I agree, it's going to worth all the trouble....

  3. Depends on which day you talk to me. Today, I am a novelist, writing my serial novel by day and working on my third novel when I get time. You can read my stuff, including my blog, at www.markhamhislop.com.


    Tomorrow, if I'm having a crappy day, it will mean I am running my marketing business, helping Canadian oilfield manufacturers set up in the USA market. Web site is www.patch-marketing.com.


    In my spare time (when I'm not trying to get Wolf EMS to run my d*** Z), I am building an on-line newspaper business (my wife and I are both former reporters).

  4. Finding seats that fit the 280 is a pain. The 240 has 20" of width in the rear of the seat well, the 280 has only 17.5". Eary Miata seats fit well, popular choice, but not much else. I was wondering when someone was going to try the 350 seats in a 280 and run into problems. Sucks...my wife doesn't like my Miata seats, says they're too hard, I was hoping the 350 seats would do the trick.


    Have you considering bashing in the cat bump with a hammer?

  5. Got the Parallax cable from HVW Technologies today and it worked like a charm. Total cost: $20. Bonus feature: the cable retracts, so you can just hang it under the dash without it getting in the way.


    Can't tell you how happy I was to see the ECU loading the file into Wolf after having spent an entire evening fighting with it the night before.

  6. Guys, followed up on Raff's lead for adapter from HVW Technologies. Looks like a great product....picked up one before lunch. Comes with the adapter and a separate cable....total cost $20. If this thing works, this is the way to go. I'll post later tonight after I try updating the ECU file.

  7. Hey Mark,


    A quick search for FTDI RS232 will bring up some searches like this (if you choose Canada as the Region for your google advanced search settings)




    These guys have a calgary/Internation Number, and stock the following unit which requires a dollar store extension cable to plug into the USB Female port:




    These units here seem to use the FTDI chipset (as noted by the last review concerning drivers procured from the FTDI website).


    There may be similar units if you search by the nGear name within your city.





    Thanks Raff. I'll phone around this morning.


    How did your wiring project turn out? Did you ever use that adapter?

  8. Calgary, did you buy the "Keyspan" one? I found that works great with Wolf and Innovate.


    However, I tried using that one from DIY autotune, and it didn't work for me. I tried adjusting the Baud rate too in Wolf too. I didn't know that 38.4k rate was minimum. Thanks for the info!


    I think the DIY one is the one that Bo is using. I must be doing something wrong since it wouldn't work with Innovate either.


    Nope, I think it was called Dynex...Best Buy house brand. Thanks for the tip on Keyspan, I'll check around here for that brand. Problem is getting help from geeky 16 year olds. Kid assured me it would work. Didn't even come with drivers. Sheesh.


    Frustrating thing is we are SOOOOO close. Everything is buttoned up, just waiting for the new fuel map. We needed it to be done today so I could trouble shoot tomorrow and leave for Vancouver and California on Friday. Now I'm going to have to drive my Matrix through the mountains (arrghhh, I hate having no power) and won't be able to get the Z down to CA for the winter, so no driving for 6-8 months of snow. That sucks!


    I apologize for the venting...so many hours of work and so bloody close...


    EDIT: Hugh, I checked Keyspan's distributors, only one in Canada is in Ontario...may as well be on the moon from my perspective. I'll check for other adapters that use the FTDI chipset.

  9. You might say I had an eventful day...finished up the head/T3-T4/etc install and promptly started the car on fire. Don't ask, I'm too exhausted to even think about nearly burning my baby to the ground...


    Anyhoo, the fire got started when I was trying to transfer my new fuel map to the ECU. I don't have a serial port on any of my laptops and was trying to use a cable I bought at Best Buy. The computer recognized the ECU and said it was starting to load the map, but nothing would happen.


    I talked to Robbie at Wolf and he made two suggestions i thought you guys might be interested in:


    1) Baud rate has to be 38,400 or greater. Mine was set at 9,600

    2) The adapter has to use the newer FTDI chipset. My adpater had an older chipset.


    I know Bo bought an adapter cable that worked fine on his laptop and I suspect it had the FTDI chipset. Now how I'm going to get the geek in Radio Shack to check for that chipset tomorrow when I buy another adapter is another story!

  10. Hey guys. You probably remember ktm installed Wolf V500 in my 77. We gave it a rough tune, I drove back to Calgary and the car has been in the shop ever since waiting for the head, etc. Well, head etc. is now installed and tomorrow or Monday should fire it up. Bo sent me his map, since we have same size injectors. However, I have ported head, Isky cam and Lonewolf ported intake, so Bo suggested I enrich his map 10% across the board to begin with.


    Since Bo isn't answering the bat signal today, got a couple of questions for you guys. BTW, the ECU didn't come with a manual. I downloaded a bunch of files and videos from the Wolf EMS site, but they don't have what I'm looking for. These are really basic questions, so be gentle:


    1) How to richen the map 10%? I know I could increase each one of the values by 10%, but apparently there is a trim adjustment that will let me do the entire map by x percentage?

    2) How to richen the cold start? Bo's map is tuned for sunny SoCal, while I'm in not so sunny or warm Calgary. Under Starting Fuel Rate Engine Temp, the injectors are set for 6.00 ms. Is this where I can increase the injector pulse width for better cold starting? What would you suggest for settings more suited to chilly (and soon to be cold) climates?


    Thanks in advance guys! I'll probably have more questions in short order....



  11. Sorry, I don't have pics, but I did talk to Sandy Cook (I think her first name was Sandy...she said she owned JCR, so I assume it was JC's wife) about their mini whale tail and we talked about their car with that kit. Apparently she has a bunch of pics of the car (you can also see it in the catalogue I believe). I'll bet if you called her, she'd email you some pics. And she may have pics from other customers that have installed the kit. This is a bit of a shot in the dark, but what the heck, you might get a lot of ideas from her.

  12. Sirius and it's the usual suction cup on the left side of the windshield. I don't mind it there, just getting a bit crowded on the dash...GPS, radar detector, Wolf dashboard tuner....

  13. I believe jeffp has that done to his head. I looked at it and decided to have Rebello do a race port to my P90. As I understand it, Extrudhone doesn't actually remove material, only casting burrs(?) and such, and smooths things out. For the money, assuming you were paying full cost, I would let a competent L6 head specialist port it. I'm no expert, so take my two cents for what it's worth....

  14. John, that looks like a very nice set up. Would it have plenty of adjustability for alignment?


    I have a big problem right now. I am wearing out new tires in 7,000 miles. The tires are set at 32psi. A four wheel alignment was done 20k miles ago (mechanic said there was half a degree of negative camber on one rear wheel). All the bushing have been replaced with poly. New ball jts and inner tie rod ends. New shocks. Fronts wear evenly and are in good shape. Backs wear in the middle only. After 7k miles there is maybe 1 or 2/32nds left. Very weird. I'm hoping a new suspension would fix this issue.

  15. Bo, thanks for pointing out the mistake....after recently editing my book, I discovered the hard way that I am a lousy proofreader. I do indeed own an S30.


    Tony, I'm hoping John will post on this thread. Not only do I want to get advice, but I thought it would be fun to hear what different guys would do if they had $5,000 to spend on a suspension. Never hurts to hear different points of view. And when I get down to CA in late Sept I am hoping to drop by and visit John's shop.

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