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Posts posted by Calgary280ZT

  1. Hey Bo, thought you'd show up. Ahhhhh, not chopped liva'....but I was getting panicky again. Until I really get my hands dirty with Wolf I'm gonna feel intimidated. Thought getting a tuner to tune would be a good idea....a couple of phone calls disabused me of that notion. So now I'm back. Are you sure you want me pestering you for advice etc on a regular basis? Stressed out calls in the middle of the night ("How do I change this d*** table????)? LOL BTW, the car is running pretty well. But REALLY needs the last 10% of the tune...runs rich at some points, gas mileage in the city if WAY down...and cost me $65 to fill it last time.


    Anyhoo, enough meandering for one night. I'll get things set up this week and hopefully have something to report on the weekend.

  2. Hugh: great advice, jibes with what Bo has been saying. Guess I should have been listening to him more closely...LOL Yes, please PM me the macro and the timing table if you don't mind. I like the idea of starting off below atmospheric, then bringing boost on slowly. I think I can handle that. And Bo retarded the timing by a couple of degrees on the base map, so I should be all right there.


    jgkurz: I'm fortunate, our community is about two mintues from the Deerfoot Trail, Calgary's big freeway and we're right at the south end, which means I have about 10 km of recently paved 2-3 lane freeway that the cops don't patrol very often...and I have a Valentine 1 detector. Should be ok for some extended tuning runs.


    Ok, guys, I'm going to take your (and Bo's) advice and tune this puppy myself. Don't be surprised if I come back with LOTS of questions. I am a complete noob at this stuff and not very technical to begin with.

  3. The kids came over for Father's Day, had a nice dinner, great time. Then they pulled out the gift. They hear me complaining about the faux wooden steering wheel on the Z, how it's uncomfortable on long drives, my hands slip if I sweat a little....so they got me English leather racing gloves! How cool is that? Admittedly, they look a little gay. LOL But dang, they sure make driving more fun. They're even black, to match the interior. Now I know my Z can beat those crappy Porches and Vettes...we'll see how many of those guys are wearing racing gloves!!

  4. Hey guys. Thanks to Bo, I now have the Wolf V500 installed and mostly tuned (now that I'm back in Calgary, plan to do a little tuning in the next couple of weeks).


    Here's my problem: at the end of June we're installing a polished and ported Rebello head, Iskey turbo cam, T3/T4 turbo, Supra 440cc injectors, etc. Obviously, Wolf will need to be re-tuned. With Bo's base map I'm confident we can get it running and do some ghetto tuning to the point where it's driveable. But I'm not that technical and I don't feel confident doing any more than that. I'd rather pay somebody to do it right than blow something up (this car is my DD and it makes long distance trips between Calgary and California, so it has to be reliable).


    Today I called around to some tuning shops in Calgary. Scared the crap out of me! No one has any experience with Wolf...or a turbo-charged L28...but by God everyone of those guys thinks they can tune the car to perfection with no problem. Yikes!




    1) What should I pay for a tune (with or without dyno runs)? I'm being quoted $750-$1,000 and up in Calgary.

    2) Is there a shop in California that would have the experience to do the tune at a reasonable price?

    3) should I just do the tune myself? Bo says it's easy with a little practice, but I really do worry about blown head gaskets etc. On the other hand, I'm reasonably computer literate and I watched Bo do the initial tune, maybe I could handle it.


    Anyway, appreciate any advice you guys can provide. Reliability is more important than saving a few bucks, so I don't mind spending to do it right. On the other hand, I don't mind doing something if I think it's within my limited technical capabilities.



  5. Depends on what you mean by "direct fit." If you mean that the other seats come with runners that are identical to the 240 runners, making them a direct bolt in, then I think the answer is no. If you mean that there are seats that fit the seat well dimensions and need a modest amount of work to adapt the Z runners to the seat so they fit the 240, then there are lots. In fact, I've got a set of Acura mid 90s seats that came out of a 240 that I would sell you.


    They don't fit my 280 because the the seat well is smaller. The 240 is around 20", the 280 is around 17.5" (at the rear) due to the cat bulge on the tranny tunnel.


    Then there is the issue of comfort. A member very generously sold me his Miata seats at a great price and helped me install them. Then I drove from CA to Calgary and discovered the seats didn't provide enough lumbar support. Moral of the story: check out a number of seats and make sure they meet all your criteria before you install them, not just that they fit in the car.

  6. We finished my install. Works great...except for one thing. With IC, then condensor, then rad, there is not enough air moving across the condensor at idle or low speeds. I understand Nissan had an auxiliary fan blowing on the condensor on the stock ZX set up, gonna set that up in front of the IC when I get back to Calgary next week.


    Heading home from Bakersfield next weekend...that will be the true test of the AC system...driving through Vegas in the afternoon.

  7. Hey, I'm a sequential kind of guy, what can I say....


    Bo, thanks for your help and your hospitality and your very thorough workmanship...it was a real pleasure working beside you. Well, considering my work consisted of taking out the globe box...LOL


    Just got back to Bakersfield from LA. Car ran great. Much crisper throttle response, made boost far less than usual. Still smelling rich, so looking forward to that tune on Thursday.


    All in all, a great upgrade. Can't wait to get back to Calgary with my Rebello head, Iskey cam, T3/T4 turbo, 440 cc injectors and get those installed in June. Sending an intake mani out to Lonewolf for porting next week. Next time I'm down to Cali in July should be a MUCH quicker car...assuming we don't blow something up first!! LOL

  8. Happy to report I returned safely on the weekend from another 1,600 mile trip from Bakersfield to Calgary. That makes 5 trips in the past year, only breakdowns were a failed oil pressure sending unit and a blown heater core, neither of which caused much trouble. Installing a vintage Air system this weekend so I can return to Cali in late May without cooking inside the tin can. While in Cali ktm and I will be installing a Wolf V500 EMS. Man, it's gonna be a good summer in the Zed!!

  9. Pete's rant seems a little heavy handed, but I'm strangely ok with that. There is a certain Z guy on another (unnamed forum) who was banned from Hybridz...said Z guy regularly uses profanity and abusive language toward other members (me included). I don't see that kind of behavior on this site. And it is very much appreciated. So, if the admins have to bring out the paddle every once in a while, it just reminds the rest of us to mind our Ps and Qs.


    Now, do I get to use the paddle if Pete steps out of line???? LOL

  10. I work in the oil patch, so go oil!! I work from home when in Calgary, so no commuting..except for a couple of miles to the dog park each day and the pooch likes sitting in the hatch area. When I drive the Z to California for work, I get paid $.75/mile, so the car actually makes me money, even at $4.10/gal for premium. Can't wait for $200/barrell!!!!

  11. We put an 82 rad from the turbo donor car in during the swap and I have been mightily impressed. Have been in Vegas rush hour and it never broke a sweat. What kind of driving will you be doing? I often drive from Calgary to California and if I spring a leak in some out of the way place, I can always find a rad shop to repair the stocker. Try getting one of those guys to repair an aluminum jobbie....

  12. Great thread, I'll be porting my exhaust manifold this summer, so very timely.


    Naviathan, I see your point, especially as it might apply to a basically stock engine. Sorry I don't have the experience or technical know how to comment further. I'm hoping to make 350 rwhp with my mods, so I'm expecting there will be plenty of volume and velocity that the exhaust porting will help.

  13. Unless its the unit itself that is pooched (and it happens to every ECU no matter what brand), I wouldn't worry.


    You should be able to get it to run fine, and the Wolf is as powerful as any system for the price it is. I can only imagine what price you got it for, and what is considered "the competition" at your buying price.


    Seller says the unit never ran properly because their tuner had no experience with Wolf and wasn't interested in learning...he bought a Power FC(?) because that was what the tuner knew and Wolf unit became available. If that info is correct, the unit is essentially brand new. I won't say exactly what I paid, but it was well under a grand...he said he paid $500 for the dashboard tuner but I see the cheapest unit on Wolf's site is $1,800+. So looks like I got a good deal. Considering I was going to pay $600ish for a MS, I'm a happy camper.

  14. The Mighty Zed....play on the fact that when I got it the L28 was clapped out and anything BUT mighty...couldn't keep up with our Matrix station wagon LOL...and Zed because I work in the States and hang out on these forums where most of the members are Americans and everyone calls these Zee cars...when they are really ZED cars!! haha My wife has various names for it: POS, bucket of bolts, things along that line....she's always coming up with some witty way of saying she hates the car...oh well.

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