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Everything posted by ImportRacer

  1. Yes, Please tell more about this Audi... Looks like you were ready for the 4th! Hope you drank it all!
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I would have never thought spamers use message boards to steal email address. I talked to my sister this morning though and she was telling how she found where the street races are at in her province. So if anyone needs anything car related that you could only get in china she might have better resources now to get them. Shit if there is anything else you would want we could work something out as well. I'll tell my sister to take some pics of the races down there and ill post them.
  3. Hey, I havent posted in ages but I was just reading over this and saw some one said no one has connections in china... Well my sister lives in China actually so if anyone is serious about needing anything email me at CrazyEyez_topher AT hotmail and ill ask her to look into it.
  4. Im in Austin...We should have a state wide Z-meet...or is there one already?
  5. SO does no one know if these mounts would work or not? Sorry for the stupid questions...just need to know so I can go ahead and order everything...
  6. I cant really tell but I dont think the mounts I posted pics of are solid mounts, are they? I also found a alum. radiator in the size of 15.5 and 19.5 so I think I might go with that once since its the same price as the 22" but only its the perfect size...
  7. If anyone thinks the above mounts and a 22" radiator would work fine I will probably just do that...so what do yall think?
  8. I actually got it from a guy on this site who I havent seen post since I got the car from him. would these mounts work alright
  9. what year V6 camaro? Im looking at a 22" by 19" one on ebay right now...anyone running anything in this size? Can I still use the JTR and camaro mounts?
  10. Im getting the idea tha its kinda one of those "whatever works for you, as long as it works" kinda things...?
  11. I am about to order the 24" 19" griffin alum. radiator but am a little curious as to how I am going to mount it? Ive been seaching threw all the past threads but couldnt find one with any actual specs on what I should use to mount it. On the summit webpage "be cool" offers the "Be Cool Aluminum Radiator Mounting Brackets." Would this work? If not where can I get mounts from, any one sell them? If you could please just post up what you used to mount your radiator, I know a lot of you used custom mounts, where did you get them made, what do they look like? and is there anything I need to order with the radiator that it doesnt come with? (small things one might forget like radiator caps or what not)
  12. Grumppy, if you dont mind do you have an email address I could reach you at? I would like to talk to you some more about my car. Thanks, Chris
  13. grumpyvette, could you tell me some more about the cam you posted? Has anyone ever used the comp dual energy 275?
  14. Can you tell me anything else about the cam? Have you used it? Compare it to a comp 280 magnum
  15. This is a street car, not an all out race car. That comes later
  16. It was this place right next to my house of 45th and duval. I think its called hyde park auto, Im not sure though. I havent botherd to even look there way since they screwed my car up! Now my car is at master tech and I highley reccomend them if you ever need to take your car anywhere. The guys name who is working my car is duke and he is one smart cookie. The cam I had was the Extreme Energy hydraulic 294. I dont need a cam that aggressive, I just took some bad advice from someone and got that one. (I have roller rockers as well) Duke reccomended the Comp 280 Magnum, is this the cam you use? What would be better, solid or hydro?
  17. Im not worried about losing the low end power...traction will be a problem as it is...
  18. I just found out I am going to keep another new cam. I had taken my car to a **** shop and they screwed my old one up pretty good. all the lobes are pretty much ground down. The cam was a comp 294, very aggressive. I have a set of dart iron eagle 200cc heads, wanted alum. but didnt have the cash for them. What would be a good cam to use? Since it is for my 71 350Z I dont want it to be a torque moster cam. I would like my power to be that of a turbo car, pulling strong from mid-range up to top end. It needs a low idle and not quit as aggressive as my old cam. Any ideas?
  19. When you get the car done drive it up to Austin!Maybe we can dig up some more austin people from here and have a night of showing austin what being a hybrid is all about hehe. Finished exams last thursday! School does suck when you have a z to think about.
  20. ImportRacer


    What about the W8 vw has?
  21. Im getting a set of iron eagle 200cc/64cc heads but need to know if I should use angled or straight plugs?
  22. They have the same kind setup for turbo's as well. Dont see why it wouldnt work
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