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Everything posted by Darkone

  1. i guess i should of added that its going to be a z32 platform build
  2. will the JTR mounts from the 280Z kit fit the 300zx just wondering??
  3. me and a buddy were racing and i exited off the freeway at 3am and made a green light on to a street with like a 2 mile straight away so i opened her up, i passed a cop on a side street that was running radar well he turned on the red and blue's and i floored it lol i made it about 5 miles down the road when a cop coming from the opposite direction flashed his lights so i stopped. I got charged with failure to yield, Reckless driving, eluding an officer, speeding, being a nuisance in a residential area (because of noise) and no registration or insurance the car. they towed it and i have to pay court fines and towing charges to get it back
  4. This is mine unfortunately it is currently housed at police impound till i fork over 2k to get it back zzzzzzz
  5. im looking at this cam comp cams 12-210-2 would this be good in my z its got a 350 TPI and a nv3500 out of a late 80s truck and the stock manual trans rear end and 195/75/14 tire this is the cam specs that im looking at RPM 1500-5500 Duration 268/268 and lift is 454/454 this is seat to seat duration @0.050 is 218/218 and lobe center angle is 110 any info would be great thanks
  6. Ya i just ordered a 10''x20' piece of 3/8 steel to make some brackets so i will have to see how it go's
  7. i zeroed them out and had them hit 25 feet and 40 feet low/high beam respectfully and since they are mounted in a factory style bucket/housing i can adjust them with the factory adjustor screws
  8. Well i found out what intake in going to use it's off of a 06 impala 5.3l and as for the brackets i will have to fab my own cause im only going to run an alternator and no other acc's
  9. I work at a slvage yard and the lights came out of a 05 reno and a nissan murano (i belive) as for the outer covers im going to use the headlight bucket covers and im going to fiberglass around the front and back of the lenses the low beam will be 55 watts and the high beam will be 135 watts
  10. Hey thought this was the right place for this and thought i would get your in put i have an hour into the first one so what do ya think
  11. well the motor came from huricane katrina and was thought to have water damage well the guy pulled the heads off and dropped one of them:frown: well come to find out the engine had no rust or even a sign of water in it. and well long story short hes moving and nedds to sell it so im getting it. and well i figured now that i have logged over 40,000 miles on the z with it,s tune port :twisted:i figured this would be the best use of the ls series motor
  12. Will a 5.3L truck intake fit under the stock z hood? and do you think $200 for an engine with 9 miles onit is worth it its all in a box comes with an ecm and a wiring harness and new headers and needs a head but its complete other than that.
  13. maybe to make sure u get a kit for your car and not a different car
  14. ya he said try it again and id go to jail butt all in all he was a good sport about it
  15. took the z out and boy did i not know what i was missing i idled it down the road and turned on the main road and then l couldnt contain myself so i power braked it through 1st,2nd,3rd:burnout: then let it lose from the binders and what a rush:biggrin:. the police officer down the block thought it was pretty spectacular also:nono: but he let me go with a warning. when it stops snowing i will post some video thanks guys and galls for all the help this wouldnt b possible with out u guys thanks a lot:lol:
  16. ya ill b geting a new woman as soon as the Zs done oh she called and said her attorny will b in touch:eek:
  17. my neighbor was about to call 911 when he came in the shop and seen my feet coming out from under my car
  18. ya it sucked and thinking about it for 2 hours sucked worse
  19. I can now Say i might have the most expensive small block project out there:cry2:
  20. so here is the issue i got the jtr kit and manual and everything fits great well im having trouble with the shifter section of the book. my wife got tourqed at me and said i was spending to much time with the z and not with her:roll: so while i was under the car with tranny on my chest she starts traring the pages out of the book and feeding the fire with them:cry2: and i couldnt get out from under the car to get to it. my neighbor came over two hours later to find me still under it and lifted the car off me (it was on the lift and i had her let it down so i could fenagel the trans) so if someone could please email me the section on the trans shifter and the linkage i whould b great full my email is everettstapler911@hotmail.com thank you
  21. hey thought i would give you guys a web site to check out i used 1010tires.com to get the right size tire combinations 4 a 17 inch wheel tire combo that would keep my speedo abpout the same and i found there calculator tells you speedo difference the tires and wheels im going with put my speedo .666 to slow so at 60 on the speedo it says that i will actualy be going 59.6 mph thought this might help
  22. more new pics of dash and spare tire caryer removal
  23. ya there is a lot of rust but only in the fenders and valance i am ordering a msa kit and new fenders soon
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