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Posts posted by Mauisnow13

  1. 21yr old JUNIORS either. Every now and then there's that 21yr old super senior. hahahaha.



    Anyway, I'm going to pick it up this weekend I believe. I just need to find someone that can loan me an engine hoist for a couple of days. I may take my engine out so I can repair the battery tray and repaint the engine bay before I put the new engine in.

  2. I found an L28et for sale near me. It was listed for $275 for the engine and tranny. I thought it sounded at least decent so I called the guy up and setup a time when I could come look at it.


    I got there today, and found a lot more than I expected. I pull up to see a complete engine, still put together. It has the turbo, the head, the block, the manifolds, the distributer, EVERYTHING. It was practically just taken out and set there so it was all put together.


    I began talking with the guy and he said the price got lowered to $150. Sweet! Then he said he'd throw in a couple parts too. I was like cool, extra parts, and I asked him what he had. He shows me. Holy cow. With the engine goes an extra block (bad rod), a perfectly good turbo head and valve cover, an extra transmission, an extra intake manifold, and a couple other things. Now I was stoked!


    I'm about to leave and we start talking about cars. I mention I'm still a junior in highschool so I'm selling my Porsche to get some extra cash to finish my Z. He had thought I was in college I guess and was like, "Since you're straped for cash and stuff, I'll give you it for $100." OMG. Sweet. I can't pass up a deal like this. Even if the engine ends up not working out, I still have enough parts to make back my money.


    So, it looks like I'll be keeping my current Z and finally getting the L28et in it! Total, I'll have spent $300 to get my Z and to get the L28et into it. Not too shabby for a budget build, eh?

  3. I've been trying to decide on which to get as a daily. I have been searching for specs and I can't seem to find any consistent stats so I was wondering if anyone had the official ones. I was just kind of curious. These are the two turbo models in my price range at the moment.

  4. I have been searching threads and specs and have found many different specs on each of the car. I am most concerned with the 0-60 time, but am interested in all aspects. Does anybody know for sure what the official specs of the car are? I've seen 7.4 0-60 for the 300zxt and 6.2 for the 280zxt. I've also seen the opposite.


    Stock for stock, how do they compare and what do you guys prefer? What are your opinions on acceleration, handling, drivability and all out fun?

  5. I think the mirrors could definately be fixed. The front end seems a bit odd to me. something about it just doesn't suit the car. I dislike the louvers. The rest of the car is pretty much pure sex. I'd buy one.


    And I agree about the engine. I'd say even more than 250hp. I hate seeing the 350z's everywhere on the road. They are more of a cruise car than a performance car. I'd say throw in a V6 Turbo (maybe twin?) Making about 300. Similar to the power of the VG30dett engines. That car would be SICK. Although the engine couldn't be the same as the VG or it would be unoriginal. BLAH. IMO, if Nissan comes out with a new Z, it has to be groundbreaking.


    I've seen the 370z concept and I must say, I'm not impressed. It's basically a 350z with a 3.7 liter and a shortened roof line. I say make a 400z with a sick 4.0 turbo engine. I'd be in line for that.

  6. I am planning on doing an L28et swap, but I'm still working on the body. Once the body is done, I'll replace the engine, tranny, and wiring. I don't want to spend too much getting this running.


    I would like it to run so it is easier to move to where I need it. I ran fine before, but stopped. Oh well, I guess it's time to push it places.

  7. I found this while searching for info on the 240z concept Nissan released back in 1999 I think it was.


    This guy began making a concept for a new 240z. It looks pretty sick in my opinion. I think the front could be a little bit better. Maybe if he brought the bottom out more. I also am not a huge fan of the louvers on the back. Maybe fender mirrors would compliment also.


    What do you guys think?


  8. So today I replaced the alternator on my 240z's L26. I also replaced the fuel filter and spark plugs. They were very black. Still though, it is not wanting to start. I have checked to make sure it is getting fuel and all, and everything seems to be ok.


    Keep in mind my wiring is shot so I have to start the engine with a screwdriver. The ignition doesn't work.


    The engine will crank, but it does not fire at all. It doesn't even begin to get compression. A couple days ago it was starting, but not staying on. I found out the key was off. duh. I turned it on and tried again. Nothing. I finally gave up. It was starting fine almost everytime I jumped it and now it wasn't firing at all. Ever since then it hasn't tried to turn over. Just cranks.


    Any ideas? My dad and I are completely stumped and naturally I'm starting to get a bit frustrated.




  9. I LOVE the look of Ivan280zt's Z. This is the look I'm kind of going towards. It will eventually be sporting the fender mirrors and air dam. I have never been a huge fan of the MSA air dam and the bumper both on. It seems like it doesn't fit right, cluttered almost. I dunno, everyone has their own likings i guess. Thanks for your input. I love getting other's opinions.


    BTW - Those foglights will soon be history!

  10. I got my front bumper off today finally. I've been meaning to do this. I know it's not a huge change, but every step gets me closer, right?


    Let me know what you guys think. I personally like the look a lot better. The Xenon/MSA air dam is on it's way. :D






    A pic of the bumper that came off. Sorry about the finger in the shot. Trying to block the sun. hehe



    Here's what it used to look like with it on.


  11. One of the reasons the GT-R can handle such high cornering speeds is because of the rear mounted tranny. This helps even out the weight quite a bit. The Porsche 944's used this design and had perfect 50/50 weight distribution. They were also the #1 handling car in America.


    I think this is one of the big reasons it can corner so well with it's weight.

  12. If you need a new motherboard then you should be able to get one for less than $590. It isn't all that hard to replace computer parts. If you get your stock motherboard and replace it with the same kind then you should be able to swap most of the stuff over for the most part. Go to http://www.newegg.com They have hardware for sale for pretty cheap.


    Hope this helps. It might still be smart just to upgrade the computer. I personally like MAC and Alienware as far as pre-built goes.

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