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Posts posted by madmanadam

  1. I watched Pinks last night and a z-car racing, the z should have won. thought it was cool seeing the Hybridz decals on the car. Now we need some one with a v8 z on pinks.

    I might be selling my z, as soon as I put it back together for the last time.

    New fiberglass hood, heat, wiring and misc stuff that I have put off doing.


    I have a new ride that is taking my time, SRT-8 Charger.


    Just thought I would say thanks to the site and erveryone for there help in the past 10 yrs of playing with my z.


    Keep up the great work!



  2. Hello,


    I'm in process of welding my exhaust up. I got a question, can you weld stainless to other metals? My exhuast is stainless and my Y-pipe is steel (alum coating).

    Can these to metal be welded together or will I need to us clamps?


    I did a test weld and it just didnt look right.


    Any infor would be great.



  3. Not a VR, but I'm running sidepipes and I do not have a clearance problem. In fact if I did not have my pipes run the way they are I would bottom out on my oil pan. i perfer exhaust hitting instead of oil pan.


    Just uploaded pic of my car.


  4. I have been away from the site for awhile, almost a year.

    We have just moved and getting everything in order to start working on the Z again!.

    When buy our home the better half said we will not buy unless the garage is big enough to handle all my toys and tools. So I now have a 26X40 garage and a 16x26 carport. If all goes well I see a car lift in the future. The garage holds 5 motorcycles, 2 ATVs and my Z-car, had the boat in the garage but it took to much room, so its out in the weather.


    I have been waiting for a garage like this for a long time. I built my z in a 12x22 garage and that was tight with 2 bike in there also.


    Built my first bike in my apartment :roll:


    This site has changed alot and lot more users then when I first showed up.


    Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work.

    Keep on Zing


    Adam of Washington

  5. It must be a Geocities thing, it worked for me.

    The sound of the sidepipes are not to loud with out a top.

    One can still have a conversation while driving or at idle.


    I have pic and if need be I can send through e-mail.


    There is also a picture of my car on the group photos.



  6. Well, it has been almost a full year since I received the Trans.

    I finally found time to put it in and guess what? It made it half way around the block before the pump BLEW.

    Got hold of the builder and with Airborne, been waiting the whole time for a claims form Airborne.

    Looks like I'm getting another Trans shipped to me! Just hope all works out with this one. Different shipping company.


    Just updating.

    Posted new pic of car in General Photos



  7. Hello all,

    It has been awhile since I've asked a question.

    I hope all is having a great zeen of a time.


    Well I just found time to put the 200R4 into my Z.

    The trans has been sitting for almost a year.


    This trans was suposed to have been rebuilt but I question that.


    Everything went smooth putting it in. I did the test in the garage

    forward then reverse, everything seamed to be fine so I took the car

    for a drive. Well i made it 1 1/4 away around the block and that was it.


    Nothing! No movement. Had to push the car back to the garage.

    I'm now in a fix. I paid good money for this trans and now I dont know what to do.


    I have undid the lines at the radiator and started the car, no oil! coming from the lines. To me this sounds like the pump is dead.


    Anyone have any inlightning news or em I screwed?




  8. Just want to say Hi and happy holidays.

    It's been a bit since I posted.


    Thanks for all the help in the past and the future.

    I have not had time to work/play with my Z, bought a new bike and trying to get as much time on it before it snows.


    Next month I will finally be putting my 200R4 in the car and possibly changing the color, not sure on the color.


    Everyone be happy and enjoy life to the fullest.

    Take care live long and smile.


    Your friend and Hybridzer


    Adam 8)

  9. I'm going from A th350 to a 200r4 same size just the rear mount is aft 4".

    Got it off of Ebay for under $800 shipped to my door from Florida to Washinton.

    Waiting for the weather to get bad before I put in.



  10. Hello,


    Just came in from getting the trash can in the alley and noticed this car sitting there, what is it?

    I have no idea, just know the car I have played with.

    Looks alot like mine in away, first time seeing this car.


    I have put a picture in the group Album.




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