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Posts posted by Hailstorm

  1. has anyone had any luck installing seats from this shop? if so which ones and how did you make it fit?


    I'm looking at these two:





    mostly what I'm worried about is the dimensions and how high up it'll put me. (6'4") I have absolutely no problems with reclining back a little, I dont need to be sitting up like a straightedge to perform well.

    IF someone has the time/ability to determine if itll fit or what kind of modifications I'll have to do to make it work, that would be just great.


    Or if you have suggestions for a similar grey on black (mostly grey) cool-looking seat like these, I am wide open to suggestions.

  2. thanks man,


    yeah I realize that the 383 info is in the motor section but I got lazy whilst I was posting and thought it would be awkward to post another topic with just that. (plus sometimes I feel people get snippy about post counts)


    anyways, thanks for the info, and if the piece that you have is black, I'm absolutely interested in it. if you could get some pics, that would be amazing, but for now I'll check on ebay and such, can't find it anywhere else :'(



    thanks again,



    edit: oh and could you by chance tell me what kind of body kit you have on the car in your signature? or can I find it elsewhere? It's a beaut! :)

  3. hey everyone, been reading on these forums for quite a while, and unfortunately have not been able to find a couple of things I need to do replace a part on my '70 240z


    working a restoration, but some of the plastic was so brittle, it just snapped in two or into awkward pieces.


    I need to know where or how I can get/replace the plastic that houses the steering column.



    Also, while I'm at it, one more question that I realize is in the wrong section: I need to know how difficult it is to build and mount a 383 in the 240. can I use the v8 conversion mount parts available at zcarparts for that? Also, will I need to replace any stock parts specifically to avoid damage caused by having a 383 in there?


    Anyways, glad to be a part of the community, and I look forward to sharing my personal progress on my 70' 240z project.

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