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Everything posted by Ivan280zt

  1. Made some small progress over the past week. Here is Tony nothching the halo bar he ended up shortening it few times until we were both happy with the way that it tucked in and final fit. This is the same fuel pump setup that we run in our 1150whp Evo8 so it will be more than enough for me : ) Here is the fuel cell setup looking from behind of the car. This is exactly what I was looking for just sump showing no cell sticking out. In this picture you can see 1/4" aluminum plates that are now holding fuel cell bolted to the fuel cell frame. I have done few more small things that I forgot to take pictures off but I will update in next upcoming weeks.
  2. Here is small update from this weekend. It all stared off really nice with some -10F temperature but once I got the car inside of the shop things turned out much nicer. This was my starting point yesteday : ( almost cleaned up lol Made it back to the shop so far so good! Finally nice and warm... While Tony was busy with fitting cage in this was my starting point Only good thing about car being outside is that all the insulation comes out much easier there is no need for dry ice : ) Tony is making some good time on fitting main hoop and strut bars. This is frame for the fuel cell pretty much all done. I am really happy with the progress so far and whats even better my boss told me today that I can keep my car at the shop as long as we got some space which means that now I can stay late wednesday nights and do even more carnage : )
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