thanks b-kid, theres a story behind that whaletail. i went to visit a fellow z owner who has one of the nicest 240z on this side of the island with triples45. as soon as he saw my car he told me that the car looked familiar and that he and the original owner (im the 4th) use to cause havoc on the streets 10-15yrs ago and at that time my car ran on nitro.he told me that he had something that belonged to my car, yes, the whaletail, he had brought it from the original owner.he told me if i got rid of the aluminium spoiler he would give it to me(thanks Dom). i went home and started to mount the w-tail, since he said the spoiler was on the car yrs ago. i started to search for the screw holes on the hatch. lo and behold they were there all filled in with brass. i also sanded a little of the top-coat and found the same colour paint mettalic sky blue. so i`m sticking with the whaletail.