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Posts posted by ls1Hybridz

  1. rust is a pain to get rid of and keep away. POR 15 is a wonderful thing but once you get it on your chrome pieces you have to sand it away and then sand the metal behind it smooth enough to make your chrome flawless. so your pretty much better of getting new chrome.

  2. lol yea i agree there. a nice paint job does not have to cost thousands of dollars to look nice. ive done some inexpensive paint jobs that turned out looking good, not show quality mind you. the paint only looks as good as the body work and how it is sanded. the paint its self is just there to look good so whats under it has to be perfect for it to be nice in the end.

  3. that is one draw back of powdercoating for the do-it-yourself kinda people. you can sand a chrome piece but you must prime it and treat it like the rest of the car when it comes to paint. i have put candy on trim before without sanding, but with minor scuffing and some clear adhesion promoter.

  4. yes i will agree with that. thanks for pointing that out. you can avoid this problem but it takes some time on different types of plastics. plastics and fiberglass tend to absorb alot of the solvents in the paint causing a tinted color from the metal parts. i know with fiberglass, once you spray your primer, let it sit in the sun for about 2 weeks or so. that way the primer is fully soaked in. this will help the color hold out on plastic similar to the metal.

  5. i have messed with their product and its a little fussy to get to lay out the way you want it to. i would suggest finding someone who has sprayed it alot. the company itself has terrible customer service when it comes to getting you information along with your product so keep that in mind

  6. a quart will not paint your whole car. reducing it more will not make the paint go that much further since because if you reduce it more that you should, you will need more coats of the paint to cover the car. i think for 500 a quart you are gettin ripped a new one. there are a lot of nice paint ideas you can get for that kinda money. my personal feeling being someone who sells it for a living. i would find something else you like because i could sell you enough paint just as nice and it would include primer, color, and clear.

  7. not many paint shops or suppliers are gona be able to match that color. from what i can see it has a almost chrome gold finish from one angle but it seems faded on the bumper. the only people i can think who would have a chance of matching that would be ALSA corp custom paint, House of Color, or Sherwin Williams Planet Color. unfortunately, there arent many house of color shops that you can get a color match and alsa corp is located in europe somewhere and there are no stores out here. i work for sherwin williams automotive finishes and that color just looks like a pain to match. your probably better off with buying the paint from them to save you the headaches.

  8. sorry to hear about your miss fortune, some helpful advise if i may. most body shops can fix keyed cars in a day, but it also depends on how far they are booked in advanced. i know in colorado its dead slow in all the body shops. its very simple to fix scratches, but it takes alot of time to do it, because you have to feather out the edges of the scratches.


    once you do this then you have to prime it to even out the paint levels and finally color and clear. you could do it yourself if you have the time and knowledge but since you have little time before you leave, i would call some shops and see what time frame there looking at. good luck i hope everything works out for you.

  9. theres a company called wizard detailing products based in Minnesota, they make a product called shine master. it is made to give cars that wax look and feel right after painting. its designed to breath so the new paint can fully cure. all the products are water based and they can be applied with any buffer or by hand if you really want to put that much effort into it. some auto paint stores carry them and they are about 12-16 a bottle depending on who's selling it.

  10. If any of you guys have heard of POR15, it works great as an undercoating as well as a rust converter. It cost about 45 for a quart and is ready to spray. POR15 reacts with oxygen so it hardens fast and extremely hard so that it doesnt chip away. Most automotive paint stores have it in stock or can order it. I work for Sherwin Williams Automotive Finishes and i keep it in stock and can have more ordered in about a day so its pretty easy to access. It can be sprayed put of an ordinary gun with no problems but you have to clean the gun right away so it doesn't harden to fast.

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