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    Sunnyvale, ca

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  1. Any updates on this project? how did she fare through the last summer?
  2. NIce Job. I'll still hoping to get away with just one radiator behind the engine, like your original setup. It seems like that setup was sufficient for all standard situations. I'm wondering if a radiator mister system might work for those extreme situations? A penny for your thoughts?
  3. How many CFM are your fans rated for? Would it be possible to just install more powerful fans? Is the any room to the right of left of engine for another long slim radiator? This brings be back to the idea of a belt driven fan. If you could set of the center fan on a belt driven system (with the belt turning 90 degree like the original corvair fan, you could increase the speed and thus volume of the fan.
  4. Have you taken it out on the road yet? Can't wait to get some data on the cooling driving up Mt Hood in the middle of summer.
  5. OK, i'm convinced that electric fans are better now. Thx is an expansion tank going on the left side where the radiator cap is?
  6. That's an amazingly clean job. I've been planning similar ideas for my '79 Westy for 13 years. Especially to recycle the sealed engine compartment airflow idea from the original design. Any reason you went with electric fans as opposed to one running of the crankshaft? Have you fired it up yet? I'm looking forward to seeing if the cooling is sufficient. If yours works out, I'm starting this the next day. One reason I was hoping for an all engine compartment compact design is the hope to be able to switch out engines quickly. Everybody else's solution of putting the radiators over the battery makes it an awfully permanent solution. If the radiators is mounted on a bracket connected to the engine you can just remove the whole thing for maintainable. Or go aircooled for w/e. Thx for sharing.
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