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Everything posted by BillZ260

  1. Sorry if this is a repost but this story is just great!!! http://www.ubersite.com/m/41986 Any one else got a great story like this???
  2. Why such low comp Moby? Your induction going to be pressurized???
  3. You need to contact a lawyer and see what your options are. You have to be carefull when just dealing with the person that hit you, there is no one to represent you if this sort of thing happens. I don't know what your options are but hopefully you have a family freind that can tell you waht you rights are and what to do. Sounds like a mess!!!
  4. That's funny! I guess they would be a bit more stiff than us Zer's. But heck a car is a car and if you happen to find a nice 911 w/ no motor, why not??? Buick Turbo would be nice in there....
  5. Don't mess with this guy when in OKC.... http://www.renegadehybrids.com/customer_files/Earnest_Wyatt.html Ahem...
  6. Running through some of them....great links!
  7. its at 6800 now, what do you guy's think it will go for? Pretty cool! I'd drive it
  8. buy it now for under 4 bucks a peice???
  9. I know I am not a moderator here but I have been around long enought to know that any 'crackpot' idea is welcomed for discussion here @ hybridz. So if a guy wants to put a SC on his drive shaft or wheel hub or even his heater fan, we don't put the idea down. Instead we voice some concerns if we have any and state that it is GOOD to think out of the box. Tried and true is great but we never evolve if nothing new is done. Just a few words for those listening, and for those who aren't??? I wil be getting back to work on my JTR V8 conversion
  10. Oh, the tub! Cool! That's easy Yeah the clear turned out ok, just not as bright as yours. thanks!
  11. Quick question 1BAD, what did you use to break the foam/glue seal to pull the lenses and clean the insides? Is there a solvent or something that won't harm the plastic but will soften up that junk? I cracked one of mine when i was dismantling them When I cleaned my tail lights I put a couple coats of clear on them as to fill in all the scratches, they are NOT as clean looking as yours but it was a freebe if you have some clear spray inyour garage.
  12. Aux hit the nail on the head. Quite simply put, a good 80+% of the american public is retarded. Retarted meaning that they don't use common sence and make mountains out of mole hills, and want the world to know their boring, stupid, meaningless story. I am NOT a Bush supporter, but by all means, he should be in schools and classrooms as a symbol and as a learning tool. This is just a bunch of sillyness, sit back and make fun of dumasses, I do!
  13. JUST FYI... The Celica's Dan is refering to are 94-99 (maybe another year or two in there), My wife has one and I can take measurments and pic's is you are interested. FWIW Fun little car.
  14. You are too much AUX. I would say let's all get in touch with fabio and see if he will ship to our states but I really don't want to f with it... Funny!
  15. I personally think the 80/20 rule applies to EVERYTHING! You can plan and map out and diagram and whatever else you want to do for a project till you are blue in the face. But once you get started there is going to be something missed by you or someone else, OR plans change you see something and it's not right or you don't like the way it looks or works. You should expect these things to happen so when they do, it doesn't put a rut in your project or frustrate you and possibly affect the work. Take your time and enjoy it! You are lucky if you can get paid to do something you enjoy I am not so lucky but I would like to change that, I just have to find something that I enjoy and am good enough at that people will pay me for doing it MY $.02 By the way...Mike I am glad you guy's updated that car, it went from a solid 8 to a perfect 10!!! Looks awesome!!!
  16. I guess if you wanted to look like Paul Newman while you tool around town....
  17. WOW! Is about all I can muster right now!!! What was used to get the SS pc's black, paint? Great Effect
  18. i would definatly suggest you make friends with an engineer, specifically a structual. ANY ON THIS BOARD?? My neighbor is one, I'll see if he is any help next time i see him...
  19. Here is my parts list so far... Rotate Assy SCAT Crank/Irods-Arp bolts/Pistons-rings 1-91250-1 (KB Sylvolite) 1-91255-1 (Forged) Main Bearings Cleveite New Crank Bearings Std 829P Rod Bearings Cleveite New Rod Bearings Std 743P Cam Bearings Cleveite 1977-95 SBC Cam Bearing Std 290s Cam K kit Comp 276 cam kit with lifters, springs, retainers K08-423-8 Rocker Arms Comp Alum Roller Rockers 1001-16A Oil Pump Canton Std vol. Pressure Balanced oil pump 21-500 Distributor Crane Crane Electronic Distributor 270-1000-1501 Coil Crane Recommended Coil for above Dist ???? Carb Edelbrock Edelbrock Thunder AVS Carb 650 ED1805 or 6 Balancer Pioneer Internal Balanced 6.375 Dia 872002
  20. Wheelman is right, there are lots of post covering this subject and with pictures too! Search for paraska, he's the guy who developed the subframe connectors that alot of guys on here are using. When I did mine and the floor pans I posted pics, so you could search for my screen name as well. Pete has a website with blue prints non the less and that should get you started... good luck!
  21. Yep! I will try to be there sat but I am going to be late if I am able to make it. I dunno if the GT will still be there or not, but man, it will definatly distract from the show if it is Tim you have the Bluz/silver striped V8z right? I met you last year at Josseppies in Stillwater. I have made some progress on my car but not as much as I'd like. Hope to see you tomorrow. later
  22. Got to see and HEAR this unveiled at Jackie Cooper Imports, here in Tulsa, last night, very cool experience, some guy's on the local car forum tipped me off to this yesterday afternoon and I got to go. They unveiled the new '05 SLK roadster and the new 997 carrera.... and then they pulled in the Carrera GT!!!! Tooooo cool!! Really stuffy though, lots of OLD money and ritzy stuff, but was worth wading through that to see and HEAR the GT! 5.7L V10 (105.5 HP/Liter that's, um 605HP w/ a 8400 RPM Redline 435 lbs ft Torque 3,042 lbs 124 Mph in 9.9 seconds Top speed 205 Mph MSRP $440,000, Invoice Price, $414,800 (Guess I will need to start saving everything I can...soon) http://www3.us.porsche.com/english/usa/carreragt/default.htm Dont Hate!
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