OK this has been a story in the making, and it's finally over! (Well when I finish this it will be)
So I need a engine for my JTR project and see this add on HybridZ...
I drive down to Dallas (4 hours each way) and the engine is CLEAN, I mean, it is about as clean as you can get. I could tell it had been run for a while but for all purposes it was a good deal. Said it was IN HIS CAR with aluminum heads and T-5 and all that but he had already sold that stuff off. Paid him $500 without intake and carb and headed home.
-$500 Engine
-$70 Gas / Food So far I am in good shape...
Get home pull oil filter (should have done this earler) lots of water and grey sludge that I know isn't a new synthetic type oil. I get hot! Pull the thing apart and It just got worse and worse. All bearings were toast, grade 3 hardware sprinkled here and there, you get the picture.
Call him up, and here comes the LIES. His buddy, supposedly built this engine for him but as you can plainly see he bought it like a month before he sold it to me. He never had it in his car or running or anything.
So I ask for my $$ back and well... it was 'gone'. SO I try and try and try and try to work something out with him for like 8 weeks. I got an administrator involved, which he didn't like, and still unresolved. So I threateded him with legal action. I don't think I had any grounds but that worked. After the three weeks of the "check is in the mail" I finally get a $200 money order!
Told him he has a month to get me the rest but he insits that he is broke. SO i think about it and decide to take an offer he made earler for some parts in trade. By this time we are almost 3 months into it and I am just wanting to reslove this. He agrees to give me just about anything left on the car and I say ok. We went down this weekend and got the following.
R-200 + Mustach bar + shafts and hardware
Rest of complete rear suspension included
2 ss brake lines
2 kyb struts
2 lowered MSA springs
1" rear sway bar
3pc Spoiler, needs a little work but is ok
AC Condnesor
280 Seats
280 front flares and good HL buckets
Window crank
Grant steering wheel and adapter
Beat up console
Holley 750
Performer Intake
-$100 Another trip to Dallas food and gas went up
I got all this for my troubles so I am going to try and sell most of it because I simply don't need it. Most of it is in decent and usable shape but like I said, the parts areen't things I need to move my project closer to being finnished. So all totalled I am out about $450 or so and I have to sell a bunch of parts to get close to even. I did get a good R-200 out of the deal and I wasn't even going to post any of this but... Here I am. WHY?
Because Mr. Storm280Z told countless lies over and over again. He never did come clean with any of his story and kept postponing payment and resolution with more lies. I hated every moment of this whole "DEAL". It is over now and I do feel beter. As a matter of fact my project batteries have been recharged and I plan on get back on the Z and hard! But the question still lies....
Did I get a good deal?
Just be aware when you purchace stuff from anyone. I doubt mr storm will be looking at the board anylonger, so bannishment may do nothing, I dunno. I hated that he lied time after time instead of giving me the straight truth.