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Everything posted by BillZ260

  1. Sounds like a cool induction system, I want to see PICS!
  2. Text reads.... Limited Slip Differentials for S13 Complete change-over comes with assembled third member and Heavy duty Japanese axles. Fits up with no modifications. Price: $400 PLUS s+h (shipping $100.00 in the continental 48 states) From http://www.lsauto.com/products.asp Is this adaptable to the S30?
  3. So does the carb need to have special seals to be pressurized or can they handle that type of enviroment?
  4. So you are going to be pushing the fuel air mixture through the intercooler? I thought that was explosivly dangerous?
  5. WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!! I think we are all forgeting something VERY important, money is not really the issue here... Ducks sound soooooooo SWEET!
  6. With all the bad posts about MSA on this site, it makes me wonder if anyone at that company is a Z fanatic. I would think that if they were true enthusiasts that they would eventually run into all the negative feedback while searching sites and such, that regular Z guy's do, and say something about it. I just find it odd.
  7. I had the exact same problem in my 260... my fix? Painless Wiring harness.
  8. I think that was Delux-247's car from the new coke comercials...
  9. I think that the green w/ black BRE stripes would be slick. I would make them flat black. I say go for it! I really would like the BRE paint on my car, but with a blue and red that are a little deeper, or metalic, not just plain red and blue. And I havn't decided on whether to put on the DATSUN in the stripes, since it will be V* powered.
  10. when i looked at the diff in the car yesterday i noticed that you do indeed need an outty. Thanks for the info guys! merry xmas
  11. DO THE PAINT, very cool. Simple and it says "RACE ME" at the stop lights. Of course, take your races to a sanctioned venu.
  12. Drained the oil in my R-180 when I had it out of the car last weekend. It took ALOT of work getting the fill plug out. Has anyone else had this much trouble with them? 17mm wrench just slid off and my impact did absolutly nothing to it. Couldn't get it to budge at all and ended up mangling it up pretty good. Finally had to go to Sears and get their socket ez out set which they do not sell the peices seperatly and they are not 1/2 drive, they are 3/8 which i found to be ODD, as impacts are all 1/2 inch right? and it was 60 bucks, but just another tool right? Anyway got it with the ez out and a long breaker bar on my little baby 3/8 ratchet. Once I got it off the treads were perfect and clean, so did the heating cooling cycles over the years make this so stubborn? So all that to say, I need another fill plug, does any one have an extra lying around. I am afraid of what the parts store or dealer wants for one. Should i post this in BUY SELL TRADE? Would also like to have one that the 1/2 drive fit into like the drain plug.
  13. This is all good CONSTRUCTIVE criticizm. I wish I could put something like that together. Pretty slick.
  14. I am pretty sure a 396 is a 396. It is a big block that chevy produced in the late 60's and that was about it I THINK. It is definatly not the same casting as the 350-400's and it isn't a smaller version of the 454 either. Someone correct me if I am wrong but a neibor had one in his 72 chevelle and it was looked like no other v8 I had seen (placment of everything is different, dist, intake width, stuff like that)
  15. of course! They are driving the black and whites, and then every one gets arrested!
  16. Looks great but I agree w/ aux, needs some more speed, smoke and some blue and red flashing lights.
  17. Does anyone know what those welded in nuts on the side behind the door ar for? They look like they could be used for a bolt in brace or something but I have never seen them usilized on any Z. You can see 2 or 3 of them in that pick posted. Just curious....
  18. why are you guys going without heat, even for your track/weekend car. I know the controls take up alot of space and they are not all the great looking, but you only need two levers and at fan switch to opperate this stuff and it doesn't weigh much at all? I am going to use chocke pulls to opperate 1) the heater core flow valve and 2nd) to opperate the defrost/heat chamber valve. Figure I can hide them but make them accessable enough. I have only ever had to drive a car once without heat/defrost in the cold and the next day hooked it all back up. I think your winters are much colder than mine too! Just my 2pennies Keep em both if you can swing it. The vette is definatly and Eticket ride but it just doesn't have the charicter that a Z has.
  19. Looks like the RX-8 was going for a test drive, could barely tell but I think it was bouncing off the limitter in that doughnut.
  20. Chaparral2f I suppose it is all in your perspective, There is no real safe place to live, mother nature will always have something exciting for you. I don't know if it is because I have grown up here or the fact that I have never been in close contact with a Tornado, but they don't really scare me, even though the damage you see them do is tremendous! But I can go outside in the spring time and tell you when they are coming, you can smell/sence them. Is there anything that lets you all know a 'rumble' is comming?
  21. Glad you are all ok! SO how much does a 1000sqft hose go for out there? You guys in CA should sell you places, move to the midwest and you could have 10 z's! And a huge shop! I know the weather is nice but sheesh, I wouldn't want to get swalloed by mother earth for any amount of sunshine.
  22. Wouldn't the drag of the drivetrain take a specific amount of power to turn and anything above that be net power? 150 hp 2.6l - 20hp drivetrain loss = 130 rwhp 300 hp 5.7l - 20hp dt loss = 280 rwhp I am sure this is an over simplification, but it makes the most sense to me. Of course the two transmissions used will have equal drag for this explanation.
  23. Tim, that was my fav par too. Those guys are great!
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