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Posts posted by Oddmanout84

  1. The car is RUNNING!!


    Although I've yet to determine exactly what I did, two things were changed since I last attempted to start the car.


    1. I plugged in my spare computer (got it off ebay a while ago) for shits and giggles.


    2. I fiddled with my Ign Relay. The soldering point is so poor where my makeshift ground is that I have to pinch it against the metal case for it to complete the circuit. Then it clicks. Once the engine is "self sustaining," I can let go and it seems to continue to run (albeit quite roughly).


    The engine seems to bounce between running rough and smooth. For several seconds it may seem to idle decently, then it will stumble and rev itself faster to keep itself alive. The cycle usually continues until the engine dies at some point. I'll have to troubleshoot it some more. I'll test the old computer again later to make sure that's the problem.


    The fact that I got the engine to run again is beyond awesome. But at the same time, I'm pretty pissed. Why? That Ign Relay is the only one rockauto and the other parts suppliers don't offer. Murphy's law is a pain... Now I have to continue to try and source one, or discover a replacement. I'd certainly rather the former though, as splicing wires is not something I enjoy doing on this old equiptment, since it seems to repel solder like water does to oil.

  2. It sure beats hot and humid weather. You can always put on more layers in cold weather.


    Except hands. Put on too many gloves and it becomes something similar to watching someone try to hand tighten a bolt using a pair of summer sausages. Either that or they're cold and numb. You can't win with hands in the cold.

  3. The z coming along great, wish I had more progress made on mine lol. Quick question though, what kind of wheels are those? They look similar to the western turbines but I don't think that's what they are.


    I'm pretty sure they are Turbine wheels, but not positive. They used to be metal colored, but I painted them flat black. Any lettering on the centercaps or wheels themselves is faded and illegible, so I can't confirm this 100%.

  4. I got stuffed by the MP's on post in a 5ton, doing 6MPH in a 5 in the motorpool and he also got me for not filling out the paperwork correctly (i forgot to sign at the bottom) its a $15 ticket and does nothing to my license or record or anything. if any of you guys happen to drive on post at ft bliss TX beware of MP's



    MP's are total dicks. I'm suprised I never got pulled over during my year at Pendleton. Especially with all the shenanigans I pulled on my Harley.

  5. Being cold builds character...


    I have a small plug in electric oil radiator that keeps the temp at 55+ fahrenheit when the doors are closed. Made by Kenwood, bought at Home Depot. Good enough to work in. Doors get opened to vent the garage when I paint stuff. Sometimes when I'm really pissed at something, the temp in the room jumps up to the mid 60's. Lol. Not joking, either.

  6. Usually, my doctrine is function over form. However, since I'm already planning on painting this bucket in spring, I've allowed myself to deviate from my usual method.





    Yes, the JDM Fender mirrors are in. I finally bit the bullet and got a set from ebay (with a "relatively" low buyitnow price). Came direct from Japan, new in box, and they came here QUICK! So of course I took no time drilling holes in my fenders to install them. Not saying that I didn't do it carefully. I meticulously followed a diagram that had the measurements mirrored from the RHD diagram. I am absolutely anal when it comes to drilling holes in expensive and rare metal so it paid off. I can't decide whether I'm going to paint them black or not... They're so shiny... yes... my precious...


    I also mocked up my fender flares just to give myself an idea of how it will look. Keep in mind that they are by no means in the position that I will be drilling holes at. Just temporary.




    Wow... those pictures turned out like crap. You can barely see any definition in the flares...


    Oh, and as you can see, the car is no longer flying a foot above the ground. I had to drop it to mock up the flares, and because I'm sick of it floating there. Holy crap! I forgot how low this car was! And the springs only lowered it about 1-1.5". I'm only 5'9" and I'm towering over it. I'm also not showing off the refurbished front suspension for a reason. I still have the stock front brakes hooked up to the hubs, so they're brown and look like crap. At least the calipers and everything else are a nice blue color though.


    Stay tuned for the madness that ensues...

  7. I just remembered a little while after I posted... I DID get pulled over in my Z once!


    On the way back home when I brought it from California, I was pulled over in North Carolina for passing a semi at 90. The cop walked up to my window and asked if I was a Marine. I said yes, and he told me to drive more carefully and be on my way. Thank god for bumper stickers!

  8. I used to have an "arrest me" red '94 3000GT. One week after buying it, got pulled over for doing 55 in a 25. Only speeding ticket I ever got, never got pulled over (and I did some pretty stupid stuff in that car, between the ages of 17 and 19).


    The only thing I really got miffed about was the only accident I've had. Parked by the side of the road, signaling that I wanted to pull out with the wheels slightly turned and the front left fender just at the white line. The jetta I was waiting to pass by clipped my fender as I sat there. Some stupid highschool chick on her cell phone with all her friends in the car. Because she cried to the cop, it became my fault. :fmad:

  9. Check out Rock Auto http://ww.rockauto.com

    Then choose: make, year, model, electrical switches & relays, then fuel injection relay. Runs around $68+/-.


    Well, I did check out Rock Auto some time ago, in fact I bought several relays off of them. The only years that display a "Fuel Injection Relay" tab are 75-77, and all of them display the same relay that has a terminal pattern inconsistent with what in installed in my car. 1978 has no tab for fuel injection relay.

  10. Well it also depends if you want the Polyurethane bushings or OEM rubber. Poly bushings offer a much tighter ride, and don't flex as much. That kit is made by Energy Suspension. Modern Motorsports also sells it, in addition to a bunch of other places. And yes, you will probably need every bushing in that kit, and additionally more (if you want front swaybar bushings).

  11. On the contrary. In terms of radiators, I'd rather have it break on a cold day so my car would have a better chance of surviving! When I first got my Z in cali, my friend borrowed it and rear ended someone, cracking the radiator core. As I still needed to drive to work and had no money for a new radiator, I kept a stockpile of water jugs and stopleak in the trunk. This all occured in late summer/ early fall, so I was praying for a cold day so my engine wouldn't overheat. Those times sucked...


    Not to say that anything breaking at a certain time is really better than the other, but you know... Murphy's Law...

  12. Heh.. You and Tony D have good points though. Also, I guess I am be bit new to the game in terms of knowing how these "sniping tools" work. That's a relief now that I know the details of how the programs work a little better, so maybe I'll consider that in the future.


    Truthfully, I started this thread in the Non Tech board as a joke, more or less. The winning bidder was "e***c". I can't tell if there's more than three hidden letters in the middle, but I was curious if it was EvilC. I thought this would be terribly funny and ironic if it was, as it was seeing his V8 Z in person this fall (CTZCC Fall event) that finally convinced me to drop money for the mirrors!

  13. "Mein Führer, bad news... your warranty has been voided."


    "TWENTY THOUSAND EURO?? FOR A #%&!@# TRANSMISSION?!? Those criminals at Nissan headquarters should be SHOT!"




    So many good lines in this one... hats off to whoever edited this video!

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