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Posts posted by Oddmanout84

  1. It's not a question of "Rabidity" at all. It's a matter of how you value your time. I literally can't afford to wake up and B.S. around at 2AM for an auction ending then. I know what I want to bid, and no sense telegraphing that I'm interested until the very last second.


    It's far easier for me to see it, enter it, and forget about it till it notifies me I have to pay for it. I pay for it, I await delivery. I take delivery, it's mine. No drama, no associated crap to worry about.


    Either you want it or you don't. I don't have the time or inclination to watch the bidding process. What does 'manual bidding' do to forward your goal of gaining the item. If it can be done automatically, why not? Less chance of malfunctions, missed keys, slow connections, any number of reasons to AVOID manual entry. Why NOT go with the most efficient way to bid?


    Manual Bidders?


    Those that do are the ones I would consider 'rabid'---there is something there that they need to have satiated.


    Too much drama for me. I want it, I set my bid, and if I get it, fine. If not, oh well. nothing Rabid about it at all. Just don't have the time to waste.


    Well, I'm not debating that lots of people use these third party programs with success, or calling them "rabid". I was using that term for myself (should I find myself getting to the point where I use Ebay every day, for every thing, for hours on end). Then maybe I'll get one of those programs, but for now I'm just casually using the site. Hopefully I don't get to that point, unless it involves me making a business out of it.

    Honestly, if its something I really want, I will stay awake/ get up early for bidding on it. But that's just because it doesn't bother me (I can blame the military for my screwed up sleep habits). As long as its only once in a while, I don't mind it.

    I'm not calling people who use the programs junkies or anything, that's their preference. My preference is just to download as little as possible because I'm frankly more paranoid of viruses/keyloggers etc. For now, I just don't use Ebay enough to warrant it.


    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  2. Oh, no... this time I was just complaining about the reserve, lol. I was willing to pay a small degree less than the price MSA offers at, which is why I'm trying to go through ebay for most of the things I need. All about saving money on the project so I get more bang for my buck.


    If I get outbid on something, so be it. Guess it just wasn't meant to be. Still not rabid enough to go and get a sniping program, I'll try my luck "manually".

  3. yeah, like last night I was bidding for a pair of smoked headlight covers, looked like the ones from MSA. Even with me setting my max to $50 I was below reserve... The buy it now was like $104!!! And these things sell from MSA and Blackdragon for around $62...

  4. Parts and finishing materials plus 6-8 hours depending on what they are doing. Totally dependent on the shops labor rate. At even $50 an hour you're looking at that much in labor.


    Many roof problems are the result of stretched metal. Really, in many cases a good body man can shrink and work the creases and divots out in half the time a Re-Roof would require. Seriously, if someone sat in the middle of your roof (er, or goats decided to climb atop it because it was their hill') the damage could be repaired in 3-4 hours doing metal work and never have to mess with removing a windshield to do the pinchweld under the gasket.


    And that's for a good body place...not a 'sound deadening bondo slatherer' roof repair job. I was shocked to find out they could actually repair it properly quicker and cheaper than doing a total reskin on the roof!


    Yeah, re-roofing is certainly something I want to do in the future... to get rid of THIS monstrosity;




    Get it off! Get it off!

  5. There's an idea. It just seems strange that they would decide to keep good stock (or keep producing) the other relays, but not this one. So far its the only one that no parts store offers a direct replacement for.


    I'll look into fixing something up. If my frankenrelay works, I'll be sure to post the results.

  6. I'd have to agree with the people in this thread who say that this "Hypermiling" thing can be dangerous when taken too far. Its fine to save gas by not driving aggressively, coasting, being light on the gas/brakes and doing 55 like an old lady. When you start doing things like shutting your engine off while rolling, blowing through rest stops at high speed (and the EZpass lane) and dangerous things like that, it gets stupid. The risks are not worth saving the money on gas if you take this stuff too far. A lot of systems (including the brake booster on our cars) need to have the engine running to operate.


    If I want to save gas, I'll just drive passively and avoid burnouts at stoplights.

  7. Now here's an interesting question I've been putting off for a while. If anyone has read my thread, you already know that I'm having electrical problems with my EFI system, and I've been chasing the gremlins for quite some time. The car is a 1978 280Z.


    During my search, I came across the Ignition relay in the FSM (which is located on the relay bracket under the dash on the passenger side) and sought to diagnose its condition. While taking it apart, the ground which is connected from the plastic backing to the metal case broke. Through some frustrating soldering, I was able to reattach a wire to make a new, temporary ground to the metal case.


    Of course, this is a temporary fix, and I'd hardly say the job I've done will allow for reliable long term operation. So I've been seeking a new one. Funny thing is, none of the auto parts suppliers seem to carry them, and I haven't even been able to source one on ebay!


    This is what it look like;



    and internally;



    Sorry for the uncharacteristically crummy photo quality, it was a bit dark. As you can see, it is a 6 bladed terminal with two internal switches. You may even see the hack-job green wire I made into a ground. Honestly, I can't say if it works. Sometimes the relay clicks when I turn the key, others it doesn't. Since the ground is really crummy, voltage may not be passing through at all.


    I've called Levine's, talked to Autozone, ordered relays from Rockauto and Auto parts warehouse. They have just about every other relay in the car, but not this one. No one can match the part number to anything on their database. The shape of the EFI relay is almost identical, but its a 5 bladed terminal. The only 6 bladed relays they have display the terminals in varying patterns (some blades perpendicular to others). So far, I have not come across any relay like these 6-bladers in the car, even if their websites match them to my vehicle. And yes, I've looked through these forums several times within the past few months and found nothing really of use.


    Since I'm unable to source one, my question is more along the lines of, can a similar 6 bladed relay be used? If so, how would one go about wiring it correctly? I'm not about to buy a new $70 relay just to crack it open and break another ground, lol.


    Any info is useful, and I'm sure if we can find any answers to this problem, others having the same trouble will benefit.




  8. Yeah, I was definitely thinking of getting some POR-15, at least for the interior of the car. I'm short on welding (only tried it once years ago, don't have a welder now) so I was almost considering using POR on the floorboards and other areas where I have rust holes, then fiberglassing over them (or glassing, then using POR over it). Its not the best option, but its something I think might hold me over (and keep water out of the passenger side!) until I replace the floor pan. The holes are really quite small (relative to other Z's).


    My uncle has a great story of the time he and his future wife were driving around in his corvair when they hit a puddle. The floor was so rotted that the water pressure from below blew it out and soaked my aunt! Something I'm trying to avoid with my passengers. :lol:

  9. A gun show in Houston?


    I don't think so. Seems to me Houston is more the PETA wine and tofu cheese set....






    Moving from California to Connecticut, I traded one of those states for another... :cry2:

  10. You guys are all absolutely right. I guess I just didn't use ebay enough before to justify using a third party program. Maybe now that I'm finding all sorts of deals for parts I will.


    TonyD; Mirrors were black, and had some paint flecked off in areas. Total price they started at was $180. I think the winner ended up paying $210, plus $40 shipping from Thailand. Every time I see these on ebay they're usually around that price, maybe marked up to $250 if shiny new.


    Since you've seen them for $100 each NOS, you must know of some better sources... :coollook:


    Edit: Datsunspirit had a chrome set in Dec $250 NIB, Sold out. Another site I found had a new black pair for $350, but I can hardly justify spending close to $400 with shipping for a modern heated mirror, let alone one that doesn't have the gadgetry.

  11. Installed this today, hee hee...





    I almost crapped my pants doing it too. Making sure I was drilling holes in my hatch at the right spots with little reference was scary! The method I used was to take the spoiler and mock it up on the hatch, make a couple reference marks. Then I took the supplied bolts and HAND tightened them into the spoiler as far as they could go, then coted their heads with a dab of grease. Lined the spoiler up as best I could and plopped it down. Drilled holes where the center of each grease splotch was. Very nerve wracking. However, it worked, and it looks like I was dead on!

  12. Well, I lost my first real bidding war for something on Ebay. Was going to get myself a nice pair (used) of fender mirrors, but noooo... Someone snaked them out from under me at the last second. If its someone on this forum, all I can say is, you lucky dog, you. :twisted:



    Next time gadget, next time...

  13. Just out of curiosity, how is your shaved rear end doing? Its been almost a few years, enough time for the problems mentioned to show up. I'm looking at doing the same thing pretty soon, because I really want that rear bumper gone. I liked your method, as I am welderless too. I'll be doing just about everything with fiberglass/resin stacks and filler.

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