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About Roostmonkey

  • Birthday 03/28/1959

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    Pepperell Ma.
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  1. Did you ever get answers? I'm in the same boat with the Greddy intake. I dont want to use the stock injector portion of the manifold but I'm not seeing any alternatives. Please let me know what you ended up doing. Thanks Brad
  2. I'm going to run a Greddy intake with a single throttle body. I would like to get rid of the stock injector manifold to further clean up the intake. I cant seem to find an aftermarket manifold. I know others have plugged the coolant ports but I am hoping theres a better solution. Any recommendations? Thanks
  3. so i recently put a t28 on my sr20 det and now im am getting coolant "blow by" threw the turbo into the exhaust. should i be running a restrictor banjo bolt. if so what size? or are the seals in my turbo gone?
  4. I have an SR with a serial# of sr20232236. Can anyone tell what year it is by this number ? I searched and nothing came up. Thanks for ay help.
  5. Excelent deal,you cant go wrong with OEM .
  6. I just lucked into an ATI Super damper with approx 10k on it for $ 350.00. Also, the shop had a brand new, still half wrapped in plastic, never installed Tomei RB28. I almost soiled myself when I saw it on the stand. The guy was getting nervous because of all the finger prints I was putting on it. I was told for $ 28k I could have one too. It was glorious.
  7. I still need one too. I'll take whatever size you have.
  8. I'm trying to find the " SKYLINE GTR " badge that goes on the coil/plugs cover on an RB26. Just got the parts back from powder coat and need to finish it off. Ive searched and come up empty. Thanks in advance.
  9. Mines an 05 S2000 with Tein coilovers and a cat-back. This pic was taken prior to the suspension work.
  10. I would like to order 2 of the RTz mounts please, call me at 760 220 6145 I live in CA 92371

  11. I seem to remember a story where he broke a pinky finger and it was causing so much pain he offered to amputate it to continue racing and maintain his points standing. Dedication of a madman. RIP
  12. Top cat, Wally Gator, Snaglepuss, Lippy the lion...dont get me started.
  13. Theres no magic solution for your problem. With projects of varying complexity, comes varying turnaround times. If you made the same widget over and over, you would know how many welders it took to make X amount of parts in Y amount of time. Nearly every job is different in my shop. I maintain a set number of welders and vary the delivery times according to the present workload. Only when delivery's get unacceptable, do I bring in more help. It sounds like your company needs a person to constantly manage that aspect and hire/layoff as needed. Good luck.
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