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Everything posted by mr.meshie

  1. heres the deal: im surfing craigslist like i always do and come across a guy selling toyota calipers for $50 (for both). i think "sweet, great deal". email him and ask to make sure they were the calipers that were direct bolt on with no spacers required. he says they are. i just happened to have a buddy up by where the guy lived at the time and he said he would pick them up for me. i get home and look at it and thought it looked like the vented rotor calipers. check the stamping and sure enough "S13WB" right on the side. so instead of a $50+ 4 piston upgrade, im looking at $300+ for upgrading the rotors and getting a spacer and a master cylinder. partly my fault for not doing it myself, but i HATE being lied to. and although its not terribly expensive, i hadn't planned on spending that much. here's where im stuck: do i cough up the extra dough and do a big ass upgrade (which would postpone my suspension upgrade for a LONG time) or do i try and sell/trade for the proper S12's for the direct swap?
  2. mr.meshie


    i've posted before, but i'd like to try again here. i've got a 2003 gsxr 1000 clean title, just sitting and collecting dust cuz i can't ride anymore. i would like to trade it for a turbo l28 plus cash. anybody have one and a little bit of money and want a SUPER fast bike (faster than most z's on here), let me know. thanks.
  3. very clean lookin' ride. great quality pictures too. a lot better than my rust bucket, but at least we can drive 'em, eh?
  4. i know i could. problem is, wayyyy too many flakes out there. and lowballers. guys offering me 1800. HA!
  5. i hope this doesn't get deleted because i believe it has purpose here. i have a 2003 gsxr 1000 that i'd like to sell/trade for parts for my 240z. mainly i want a v8 conversion set up or an l28det set up. those seem to go for around $2000 and my bike is worth about $4000. so if you're looking to unload either of those and have some cash to put on top, this could be great. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/scz/mcy/1007921959.html
  6. here it is. nothing to look at, probably never will be. FUNCTION OVER FORM BABY!!!
  7. best guess-timate....think the l28et swap can be done for less than $2k if i do it myself?
  8. how about a 280 zxt motor? will it bolt up or require modification? i already have the 5 speed and differential. i spose all i would need is the motor (w/ ecu and stuff) and driveline, right?
  9. whats up guys. this is only my 2nd post on here. thanks to everyone for all the help with my last one about my hi beam/lo beam dilemma. so, i bought a 73 240z, w/ 260z motor and 280z 5 spd and r200 lsd. hence, franken-z. i know the 260z motor is mostly shat in the sense that its basically a detuned 280. (still plenty of power though). my car looks like crap and im ok with that. what i really want to do is make it a sleeping beast on a budget without a whole LOT of modifications. i don't know if i should just turbo this motor which probably has many miles on it. if i should get a 3.1 stroker or just got the SBC route. i would like to do it on a budget. im trying to sell my street bike and half of it will be for my z and half for my 66 mustang ($2k each) let me know what you guys think. i think i would like to keep a nissan motor, but im not totally against the sbc. thanks
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