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  1. Thanks! May I ask what year those Miata seats are from?
  2. That looks quite good! maybe this will be the easyest and best looking route to go. Buying a custom grill is a no go. God it is expensive!
  3. Does anyone know where I can buy these big grills? Or are they only custom made? I found one page that sells them for $800+... Thats quite expensive..
  4. Hi, Maybe this have been covered before, but can't find any answers.. I'm planning on buying Rota RBR 17"x7.5" front and 17"x8.5" rear with +4mm offset all around. I'm also doing a 1.25" drop. and ZG flares in the future (I belive I need some spacers to get them flush with the flares?) My question is, what size tiers should I go for? I want them to be as wide as possible with no rubbing issues. Thanks. And sorry if I ask for something that already has been covered..
  5. Sorry for the bad picture. Installed this Gant steering wheel today.
  6. Will check that out If the '5 minutes'-thing doesnt work. Will post my resaults. Thanks alot guys!
  7. Okey, thanks. Will try this as soon as i get back onshore
  8. Okey, thanks. Will try this as soon as i get back onshore
  9. Then that would be the same distance there are between 20 - 40 km/h. That would be 5 minutes, right? [image]http://www.atlanticz.ca/forums/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2294.0;attach=4846[/image]
  10. Thanks for your help. But my speedo is km/t. 60mph = 96,5 km/h Thats quite difficult to read on the speedo. Should it be 100km/t @ 1200 rpm? Or any other reference?
  11. ^Is there anyone else that can explain this?
  12. Thanks. Not quite sure I understand what you mean by 5 minutes under the needle pin. any reference point? Or like a 10 km/h counter-clockwise from pin?
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