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  1. Looks for a manual shifter boot ring the one that hold the rubber boot onto the frame. I also need the clips that hold the leather boot on as well.
  2. I was looking into these EPM unites and they make a universal kit but not sure it would adapt easy or not to our OEM distributor. Has anyone used one or looked into using one?
  3. Sorry to bump this but did anyone ever find where to get the EDIS trigger wheel. I am looking all over online at 98 Sables and Taurus for a trigger wheel that looks like the ones shown in this thread non of them look at all like the one in this thread any ideas. Looked both used OEM units on ebay and New parts on rockauto They all have a ring that presses on the balancer non of them have a configuration like the one shown in the image.
  4. I know its a long shot but: Long story short I received a transmission with a damaged rear case. I am looking to see if anyone happens to have broken trans and would like to sell me their rear case. I have a 82/83 manual transmission. I'm not 100% sure if any 5 speed case would work but with enough pictures we can probably figure that out let me know what you have thanks.
  5. Awesome thanks I will give them a shot!
  6. Do you know what shop you got it from I emailed everyone see if I ever get a reply.
  7. Yeah I have been looking at other possible way to fix this the only problem I see is getting it so the seal fits correctly and will not leak. I Think cutting out an aluminum ring chunk and JB welding might be the best bet. Might just need to put on some RTV around that rear of the seal so it doesn't leak out after the seal is in.
  8. Yep I have been looking into those already!
  9. Long story short I ordered an trans it's here and it's broken.... Hard to get an 83 trans as it is... Does anyone know of a way to repair the output shaft? Here is the damage not sure what to do to really fix it. Any ideas?
  10. Does anyone know there I can get an Exhaust manifold flange. I am looking to make my own turbo manifold.
  11. WTB: 280z Rear engine plate for manual trans
  12. Looking for manual pedals for a 280z.
  13. Looking for a good quality late model 280zx 5speed. Unless your in the Nebraska/Iowa/KC area I will need it shipped to Nebraska.
  14. That's the plan I figure I would run about 5psi on e85 see how things are running and bump up more if it can take it. E85 should help a lot with detonation
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