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Z Bear

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  • Location
    Central Oregon
  • Interests
    Trail riding, packing, hunting, grandkids, carving roads.

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  1. I can confirm its a scammer. Also the email referrals.
  2. I will get back to you today.
  3. AydinZ71, thanks for the tip. I'll keep it in mind. Willflow, I'm looking to swap a 5 speed into my 280z. Already have a 4. Only looking for one tranny. I'll get off my aZZ and post a parts wanted.
  4. Hey Willflow, still looking to sell a close ratio 5 speed? I'm looking for one in good shape to bolt up to an L28. Located in Tucson until end of April. Let me know.
  5. I know its been a while...do you still have the 5 speed? If so, what can you tell me about parts or work it needs to make it whole and what you want for it. I live in Arizona in winter and central Oregon after April so could drive to Sacramento area to get it in May.
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