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Everything posted by jusjofok

  1. Found out what it was today, there is an air bleed valve (not sure of its purpose) on the bottom of the intake manifold that I could pinch off vacuum to and the car would idle normal. I gave it a good tap with a pair of pliers and it seems to be working fine now. Now, I suppose it will do it again some day and I should probably know what it is supposed to do. It is on the bottom of the intake manifold and has a small vacuum line that comes from the top of the manifold that goes to it, it also has a large air line that comes up from it along side the manifold and tee's off and one goes to the throttle body, this line is about 7/16 ID or so. It has a pressed steel canister with a nut on the bottom of it, it has 6 screws that hold the pressed steel canister to the aluminum housing, the whole thing is held on by two 10mm headed bolts. Any ideas what it is?? Thanks Justin
  2. Hey guys, have a question for you on my 280ZX 2+2 NA. I went for a drive yesterday and when I got to the stoplight on the second mile the car wouldn't idle below 1500 RPM. I went back home to mess with it but nothing I did would make it idle down, I checked connections on the temperature sensors in the thermostat housing and everything looks ok there. I also removed the AFM, flapper closes all the way. I didn't change the idle screw and it is going all the way to the screw. AC was off the whole time. Any ideas where I should go from here? Thanks, Justin
  3. I am just recently a ZX owner. I bought a 82 280ZX 2+2 about a week ago and finally had time to mess with it this last weekend. It needs quite a bit of work but shouldn't be too bad, silver in color, red interior. The car had been sitting for about 8 years so I pulled the tank and cleaned it, installed new upper and lower radiator hoses and plugs. It fired on the third try and missed on #3, I found the wires to that injector were gone (darn mice). I scrounged around and found an injector plug for a Oldsmobile V6 (Bosch injectors as well) and wired it in, it runs surprisingly well for being dormant for 8 years. So far so good, I am sure there will be some more surprises and hurdles down the road... Justin
  4. Thanks guys good info, Even though I am not looking to change the bumpers to the early style maybe someone else out there is. Thanks Justin
  5. Thanks guys, so to keep things easy I should stick with the 82 up bumper. Justin
  6. Hi guys, I was wondering what differences there is in front bumpers on the 280ZX cars throughout the years. I am curious because I am in need of a bumper for my 82. Will any work or just specific years? Thanks
  7. Hi guys, Looking for a front bumper for a 82 280zx 2+2. Somewhere in the midwest would be great. Thanks Justin
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