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    New York

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  1. Bumpp any updates? im really interested in their side skirts and the back bumper.
  2. im interested in the lsd, how much for it shipped to NYC 10306? Thank you
  3. Hey are these still available? can you shoot me a text if they are 347-409-8833 Thank you
  4. Got started on taking the interior out. Not very good news if you ask me.
  5. Hey guys, kinda new here and have started tinkering with my z. I recently removed most of the car parts such as the fenders, hood, seats, interior misc and other things too. I really had no idea that there a build thread here on the forums. Anyway I decided to film it so that I can hopefully remember where everything goes when it comes time to put it all back together. Not to mention that it'll be awesome to have videos of my progress and see the before/after.
  6. Hey guys, just recently started taking apart my z and have a lot of parts I won’t be using. Anyone wanna tell me what I can get for certain parts or would be interested in some parts. Thanks in advance. Got both driver and passenger side seats, one has a rip that was stitched up and the passenger side has some gunk that should come off. Have the factory heater with the blower fan and all the ducts for it. Intake box Exhaust with some kind of blast pipes for the rear. Also have the oem diff and some other suspension parts.
  7. How much for a passenger side fender shipped to 10306? thank you
  8. Looking to buy a bre style spoiler. I have a 74 260z . Please let me know what you have. Thank you
  9. Thank you guys!! ill be sure to read up on that manual and ask on the z forums.
  10. Hello, new z member here and first time owner of an s30. I have a stock 74 260z. My issue is that for the life of me i cant find a way to properly tune this thing. These are the Hitachi HBM46w carbs on the L26. Please dont comment telling me to ditch them for the earlier generation carbs. I have no desire to really spend money on carbs, i just want these to run some what properly till i do an rb swap. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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