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  1. Hi everyone, I am working on a new project. I have created a way to install a belt driven screw type supercharger and intercooler onto a L28 engine while using a off the shelf exhaust header. I searched this forum but found nothing about doing this the way I have come up with. It involves building a custom intake manifold and intercooler but it should work just fine. I have some tech help from some friends and I have the design done. I just need to get the intake manifold completed. That’s my biggest concern so if it physically fits I’ll move forward with the fuel injection, ignition, etc. Have any of you ever done this before? Any success? I looked at turbos but it seems that whenever someone mentions forced induction they automatically go right to a turbocharger. I’ve always done things a little differently and want something unique so I’m doing things my way. I’ll try to post progress here, including any photos I take, but I’m a busy guy so it may take me some time. Thanks Greg
  2. Hi & Thanks! Your points are well taken. I guess I just want a little lower cruise RPM. That or a higher speed limit! I have seen many videos of “Panchos Garage” and enjoy it very much! I’ll take check your thread. I too am partial to fuel injection. Works great at any altitude! I have a new plan to add a belt driven super charger so I’ll be fine in the torque department. I’ll search for any related posts on that subject before starting a new post but I am pretty sure that my plan is a unique one so stay tuned! I will also check my differential gear ratio. The speedometer reads high by about 10 or 11% so who knows what ratio it is? Take care! Greg
  3. Good morning all, I’m a new member to this forum. I have a beautiful 1972 240Z which is all original and working except for a 280Z long block and the non-functional clock. I have been meeting up with other owners on weekends and having a great time. I am finding a lot of enthusiastic Datsun owners out there around Southern California. I’m encouraged. I have owned several 510’s, a 610, and a original 240Z which I regret selling back in the 90’s. Love these cars. Reliable and EASY to work on! My first 510 was in 1978. I began working on these L-series engines then and I’ve rebuilt several engines over the years. I am formulating a plan to add A/C and a 5 speed transmission. I am also looking at coil over suspension to get adjustability and get the front end lower and a newer, better running engine. My SU carburetors are ok, I know how to work on them but they are just not as good as triple side draft carburetors or fuel injection. I don’t want to do anything which might affect the value of this car but I want more power and a lower RPM at 80 to 90 miles per hour, my usual cruising speed. The 4 speed is ok but my tach runs about 3,500 to 4,000 RPM when I drive. Not good for fuel mileage but at least I’m in the middle of the power band when I need to pass someone. 🤣😂👍🏼🤘🏼 Have a good day ! Greg
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