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Posts posted by 260Zz

  1. if you have done a fuel cell before tell me what you did to be tech/track legal i got me a 400$ box fuel cell off of summit racing website and i also got the book of regulations for track rules and if i put the fuel cell in a box in the hatch how am i going to fill it as it needs to be sealed completely if its in the car. and if i put it under the car what would i do for a spout im kind of lost here.


    whats the best method for talking paint off of a abs plastic airdam.? i got a can of aircraft stripper but some people say not a good idea on plastics.

  2. alright im kind of stuck and cant decide. i got a good running l28 with e88 head and header and 4 barrel intake manifold no 4 barrel yet still hunting for a 390cfm holley, or in my shed i got a 280z fuel injected head all valves rockers and every thing and cam still intact just needs a cleaning and port/polish mabey a valve grind. i dont know which 1 to do. because im looking at 400$+ with carb and tuning and jets and gaskets on the e88. what would you guys do. "question would the head from the 72 skyline L20 i6 fit the l28?"

  3. i got the strap bolts loose good condition still got the gas fill cap off and now im stuck. what can i go to get the filler hose off of the tank itself. its almost krusted on. there was 2 inch thick of old ass dirt on the tank covering the hose. i scraped it all off and have the filler hose only left before i can drop it

  4. i got a L28 with holley 4 barrel 390cfm performance header and straight piping. i was wondering if the L24 large combustion chamber head would be better performance wise then the original 280z head. but then my original had all the efi bull crap aswell that i can remember i think

  5. yes sir im running the 390cfm holley 4 barrel vaccum secondaries barrey grant nascar edition on the 4 barrel intake manifold and the performance header. and to answer your question. im convinced it is the float in the carb because me and my dad have z's he has a 73 240z and i have a late 73 260z we both ahve the intake manifold and the holley 390 and the performance header and he is saying that he has that problem and he said that my z car does to. he said there is a little problem in the float bowl with both of ours

  6. were can i find a l28 to 3.1L big bore kit>? thezstore.com doesnt sell them anymore but they said in the soon future they plan to restock who knows. anyway if they dont restock what other website/store may i find this big bore kit at?

  7. i just picked up a late model 73 260z and i need details of every aspect how to take and drop the fuel tank remove it and put it back in when im done fixing and patching. im young and trying to get into the mechanic / z car scene and i know the basics but i need your help thank you.

  8. alright so i got 2 z cars a 1973 240z and a 1974 260z. the 260z came with a v8 and the mount kits blah blah. my dads taking the v8 out of the 260 and there is a l28 in the 240 so were swapping motors and im getting the 260 with the l28. i want to look into a l28et. what are your opinions on exhaust and how/to swapping and i already have a r200 rear end sitting there going to be put in in a couple of days. and i know my engines and mechanicals about them and how to wrench. but honestly i dont know SH!T about turbos. i know how they work the parts/names of the stuff but i honestly dont know how to tune fix/work on a turbo

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