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Everything posted by Dramier

  1. Don't know why you can't see the second site.. But I was only able to upload 5 images of the 15 due to the size quota limit. I'll try to get them linked in here correctly. Picture album located here: http://hybridz.org/nuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=coppermine&file=thumbnails&album=116 That would be under User Galleries->Dramier->RB25DET Z31
  2. Wow, thanks for going out of your way! I appreciate it. Hopefully it won't go down again before you get a chance to look at it.. heh. Here's another copy of it on this site: http://www.freewebs.com/shenclub/
  3. lol.. Yeah I apologize sincerely for that. I didn't expect as much interest as it generated when I posted it across 3 Z forums. My sissy little free webspace shut me down fast. I've got a Car Club that I run with a website coming up soon, but until now I'm afraid this link will have to do. It should be back up tomorrow. Again, I'm sorry about the inconvenience.
  4. You asked, and I deliver. I apologize for not posting these sooner to establish a bit more credibility with what I'm doing, but late is better than never! Right now the Greddy manifold is going in, but we're still waiting on the FMIC. Once that comes in, video of how she performs will follow. Notice the pics of the motor mounts and undercar shots. No jackstands here, she's mounted in. The only thing I didn't get that I wanted to was shots of the tranny as well, but I didn't even think about it when I took the pics Saturday morning. I was late to a car show and forgot. I'm sorry about that, and I'll try to get pictures of the tranny next week so you can see how it was done. There are 15 pictures in an index format on the site, so you can just click on one and it will expand to 1024x768 with a full navigation bar. Feel free to ask questions and I'll try to answer as well as possible. http://holdfast.freewebpages.org/MyZ/ Enjoy the Ride!
  5. I have gotten pretty frustrated lately with the lack of aftermarket parts and accessories for the Z31.. Does anybody on here have a consolidated list of still-working supplies of both OEM and aftermarket parts? I'm focused more on Z31 specific application parts suppliers.. Z31.com's list is about 10% functional, and I haven't found a decent list anywhere else.. It's sad when you add fiberglass work to your list of things to learn how to do because you realize some of the simplest things in your car needing replacement you're going to have to fabricate. If I'm in the wrong section, or missed an obvious listing, I apologize in advance, just point me that way instead.
  6. Wow.. I was not expecting that much great information in a reply! Doug71zt I really appreciate the write-up of information, and I will definitly try it out and see. I also haven't looked at the tranny and VSS cable yet, so I'm not sure what the setup is. Understandably, it's still something to do later on, and I'm just doing my homework now so I can be prepared to tackle it. I had no idea it was such a different setup with how it measures the speed. I just took a look at the wiring diagram.. heh... I'll post pictures of the tranny and cable, and the rest of it if I get it to work. If not, well, I've already contacted Dakota Digital guages about a custom application. Thanks again Doug!!!
  7. Engine is in, tranny is in, all the "hard" stuff is in. Engine bay is being detailed and painted, engine polished and cleaned up. We're waiting on the Greddy intake to replace the stock one, mushroom filter, and FMIC so we can do the final bolt-on and find out if we've wasted our time and money. We decided not to fire it up with the stock components since it was 10x easier to install the FMIC and intake with the engine out and car still partially torn down than after it's running. Not sure when it will be ready to fire for the first time, but hopefully before the end of the month. I had meant to get some pictures this weekend, but forgot I'm attending a big car meet in Atlanta Saturday & Sunday. I'm going to try and get up there Monday and take some pictures of the engine/tranny sitting in the car to share, even if they won't show it actually bolted since we're waiting on the FMIC and such. Slowly, but surely, it's all coming togethor. Wanted to run a topic by you guys, since you probably have more knowledge than I'll ever learn on Hybrid's. My Z31T has the digital guages stock, and I've been studying the wiring diagrams and thinking about attempting to retain it with the Skyline powerplant in the car. The tachometer part is simple, since it is a straight wire from the ECU. Technically I should be able to just plug it in, so to speak. The speedometer is a different animal. Since I'm not sure how familiar all of you are with the schematic parts of the digital dash, I'll cover a little background information. The stock VSS cable is an analog cable that runs into the back of the digital dash, just like an analog dash. It connects to a connector/receptical (sic) that converts it to a digital signal. From there it goes into a microcomputer that processes the signal into a digital readout. Now, in theory, I should be able to connect the cable, either directly if I'm lucky, or hybrid part of it from a Skyline cluster and such, then put a potentiometer (variable resistor) in-line between the digital converter and the microcomputer. Then, put it on the dyno, and dial in the correct resistance to modify the Skyline number into the correct read-out on the digital dash. If anybody sees any flaws in that logic, or knows of a smarter way to do it and keep the digital dash, please feel free to lend forth your wisdom. I would really like to keep the digital dash in the effort to keep as much stock Nissan as possible, but if I have to I will goto an aftermarket guage cluster. I also wouldn't mind recommendations on a good aftermarket guage cluster if those of you have ideas, since some of you have done RB engine swaps. Thanks in advance, and I hope to be posting the next update with pictures and video.
  8. I'm a little late seeing this, but perhaps the pinouts and diagrams you can find on this site will help you out as much as they have me. All in English, thankfully... http://datnet.org/new/techinfo/ They are in JPEG and PDF formats, so you'll need Adobe for some, a decent paint program for the others. I would directly link to them, but I don't want to put excessive bandwidth on HybridZ or Datnet.
  9. Finalrights, you have an RB in a Z31? I guess I'll join. Even though you list it as RB26 and I have an RB25.. Just picking.. EDIT: Doh, it's Yahoo. Took me forever to get rid of all their spam mail, I'm afraid I'll have to pass since joining means I have to have a Yahoo ID again. -shrug-
  10. As some of you may or may not recall, I undertook the process of having my worn and tired VG30ET engine replaced by a new RB25DET engine. Also included in the deal, the tranny and the rear-end replaced from the Skyline donor. All of this into an 85 300ZX Turbo 2 seater. Well, right now we're hoping to have a finished running car by either next week or before the end of the month. As soon as she rolls out of the shop, pics of the install, running, all of it I'll probably post if there are requests to see it. God I can't wait!! Been almost a year and a half since I last drove my Z, and she's finally going back on the road! I'll stop back by as soon as I have an update.
  11. Christ! $6k for an RB25DET???????? You should spend no more than $3600 tops. I know, because I have the receipt to prove it. There are places that are very trustworthy who sell RB25's alot cheaper than 6k. Shop around.
  12. Sounds like an interesting motor. What tranny options? Typically when using truck motors the tranny is the weak link in the chain. Rear-end swap? Perhaps you could pull a 4WD truck setup while you're at it... $1500 for one with 20k miles? That seems awfully cheap.. What kind of forged components does that engine have or not have?
  13. I have not personally seen a car running an RB25 at all in the states, so I can't say for sure one way or the other. Hence why I say 'reported'. I have spoken with individuals in Australia and Japan who claim to have, and seen multiple cars on different shop and distributor sites claiming that much or more. I have seen a dyno video of a 1000HP RB25DET skyline, but I don't know if that was on stock internals. So far the highest claimed HP on stock internals that I have seen and reasonably believe is 600HP. I guess we'll find out! Along those lines, there is alot of misinformation in the US about RB's, and I'm constantly amazed at people's ...mmm... misperceptions. Two of the world's strongest horsepower producing cars are the Supra MKIV and Skyline series, both running a solid in-line six cylinder engine. With that in mind, and given the fact that Nissan's 'top dog' car doesn't use anything but RB leads me to believe it is a superior motor to the VG series used in the US. But again, I'm still finding out bits and pieces here and there about the engines, and will soon start learning first hand. If it things go horribly wrong for some reason, I still have the stock VG30ET sitting on a stand (or will be when it comes out of the car this week). Another aspect is making 400, 500, or even 600+ HP daily driven is ludicrous, and not the scope of the discussion. There's always the old hotrod adage: "It made X horsepower last run, but there's no guarantee it will do it again!" There are quite a number of 240SX's running RB series engines over on the NICO forums, and I'm going to head over there and do some brain picking and see what I can come up with. But realistically, only putting the engine in and turning up the boost will really tell the story. EDIT: Here is a forum link discussing the stock internal powers, although it isn't a technical discussion by any means: http://forums.skylinesdownunder.co.nz/showthread.php?s=&threadid=377 Spend some time browsing that forum and you'll see alot of references made to large amounts of power on stock internals. Again, it's difficult to assign a real credibility factor to internet information. Another great source of information that also relates to 400+HP on stock internals: http://www.meggala.com/ There have been quite a few 'magazine' Skylines with RB25's and even 20's putting down over 400HP on stock internals, although again credibility is a factor. As far as 'proving' or 'proof' of it goes, that's about as clear as it gets, but really no different than trying to prove the Supra's engine can do 600HP on stock internals. I guess the major difference for me is that I have seen a Supra do it in the States. Time will tell, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  14. Well hopefully that $5k will turn out to be good. That's a high-estimate ballpark figure, and we're actually expecting somewhere between $4k to $5k. The clips themselves are going to inflate in price very soon, especially considering they've already doubled in price. The only things we're missing for the install are: Motor mounts. (Got a shop fab'ing those for us.) Rear-end braces. (See above.) Tranny cross-member brace. (Same as above.) Plus we're using an aftermarket clutch, either ACT or Exceedy (sp?). Other than that, everything comes from the donor car. Most of the stuff is simple metal fabrication and not too drastic.
  15. Heh, no this is being done in Georgia. Myself and the car originally from Texas. The 200ZR is actually an RB20, although the only difference between the two is bore, stroke and cc size. You can actually use the mounts, sump, pan, etc from the 200ZR for this installation. I chose the RB25 over the RB20 because it wasn't that much more expensive, but there's no replacement for displacement. Plus the RB26 and the RB25 have some interchangeable parts. You'd be surprised just how much the Z's and the RB's have in common. Both can use Z32 non-turbo clutch, Z32 rear-end, Z32 AFM, fuel pump.. Kind of odd really. In case some of you are wondering why I chose RB over VG, this is my story.. I priced getting at least 250HP without turning up the boost, and with the VG30 you have really thin cylinder walls, weak internals and a weak bottom end. To build it to take my goal of 500+HP, it would average around $5 to $6k, and 500 would be the upper limit before serious dough was necessary. Plus, the VG30 build-up wouldn't even include what the RB install has with it for the same price. With the RB series, you have extremely thick cylinder walls, cast components, and will run up to 600HP reported on stock internals. Not bad at all, and higher HP has been achieved but just not daily driven. The walls are so thick, they can be bored .4 over! Add to that the RB comes with a new tranny, new rear-end with limited slip, (none in my 85 stock), FMIC, new ceramic turbo, and pulling anywhere from 245 to 280HP at the wheels at 7PSI, it's really not even a decision. I don't think the two greatest modification-potentional cars having in-line 6's is a coincidence. So I think it's money well spent, and after that it's time to get that interior re-done, and a nice glossy deep black paintjob, coupled with some nice light black polished lip rims and we'll call it a day. Then I'll drive it forever hopefully, heh. All of that drooling, boasting and primping aside, I'm just glad I can keep my Z on the road and still with a Nissan powerplant (no offense to anyone here). On a side note, I haven't located or heard from anybody else in the US with an RB25DET Z31T. I'm a little nervous thinking mine might be the first.. Heh, I guess that will mean little chance of finding someone who has kept the digital dash with the RB engine.
  16. I've had my 300ZX for about a year and a half now, and it was my first true love in cars. 1985 Nissan 300ZX Turbo 2 seater 5 speed manual. Digital guages, all options loaded package car. Everything works with the exception of cruise control. Mainly due to the lack of the little buttons on the pedals. Not sure if it actually works since I haven't bothered with replacing those buttons. Drove it for about 8 months and then I was recalled to the Army for OIF. Right before I left to report, the VG30ET started making a nasty metallic sound. I was basically stock, with a 9" intake, custom MBC and open downpipe. Ran 18PSI without problems, but only in ~40 degree weather. I decided not to pursue replacing or repairing the VG30 engine. Hence why I'm here. No, I'm not looking for a swap, or here to ask questions about which engine or which this or that to use/run/install. I've already made my decisions, and the work started yesterday. The new setup: RB25DET engine, tranny, and rear end. Basically we are gutting the whole Skyline and transplanting everything to the Z31. I'm not doing the work myself, but have a shop doing it instead. They have done numerous RB swaps and already have everything ready to finish this installation fairly quickly. Total cost on the whole project is looking to be around $5000. That's including the removal of the VG30 engine, tranny and rear-end, installation of the Skyline components, and driving down the street afterwards. Plus dyno-tuning and ECU programming. This week the stock components are coming out, and the Skyline should arrive here in the next two weeks or so. If any of you have questions, I would be happy to try and get answers as the installation progresses, and hope to have pictures for all of you as it goes along. Well, aside from that, that's my story. If anyone is interested, I will have alot of Z31 VG30ET parts available for sale from the transplant. If anyone already has an RB25DET in a Z31, I'd love to hear about it. I've seen 240SX's with RB26's, 25's and 20's already, but not a Z31 yet. Anyway, I guess that's "hello".
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