Jt1, Magnum Rockwilder: These numbers are probably off because of the crude way I measured. The bore I used a tape measureand got, 4-3/16". I just eyeballed it on a Outside only dial caliper and got 4.165. As for the stroke u just turned it over to what looked like BDC and used a peice of dowel rod, then marked it with a razorblade flat on the deck and cut it off and measured that with the dial caliper and got 3.780"
dr_hunt: The parting line on the rear of the crank and first throw is the small 1/8" line indicating it is a defenitly a cast crank{as if the clock stamp didn't give that away}.
PROJECTRB240SX: Among many other lies I was told the motor has not been sleeved. As for selling it The motor is going back to the man i bought it from. I am kinda worried about him getting the money back to me.
quicker240: It had just regular old hydraulics in it. As for keeping it for the parts, i don't want to because i was supposed to be buying a motor that was ready to run, and the guy lied and basically i wont tolerate being the schmuck that bought into his scam. So he's getting his motor back and I'm getting my money back. No gain No loss.
Thanks for the replies everyone!