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Everything posted by monster260z

  1. Please post the specs of your engine up I would love to see it
  2. The rb30de you cansee in the pic is actually mine, but it has the rb26 head on, you can just bolt the rb26 head straight on if you use the r33 / r32 head. I spoke to rips in new zealand and he said not to use the 12mm studs on my engine but to stick with the 11mm. The rb26 and the rb30 share the same head gasket as well so its a cheap way to buy your head gasket. Its only the rb25 with the variable cam timing that needs modifying.
  3. I would love to here more about the rb30de with 380 at the wheels Maybe the wrong thread to write it in but please start another you may sway my mind as to n/a or not
  4. Im building an rb30dett at the moment i was just wondering how you went with the na engine we get them very cheap here i picked my short block up for 10.50 on ebay I had thought about an n/a rb30de and to run the triple throttle bodies from the rb26 It would look and sound awesome This is my rb30/26 dett combo
  5. Whats the performance like of the na rb30de
  6. They also came out in new zealand as the 240k
  7. The distance between the centre of the piston and the bore wall is shorter in a v12 this allows the piston to cool quicker and means engine is less prone to detonation This allows a higher static compression ratio Also as has been mentioned before there is more avaliable port area for a given displacement the more cylinders you put on
  8. Try looking at an rd28 sump they have the bulge to the back as well You need to make a small modifcation but nothing major at all
  9. Yeah I get that all the time as well
  10. Thanks Jake your right , time to stop being tight and just buy the right box I guess
  11. Has any one done the rb26 conversion into a 260z and used the 20det gearbox. Seeing as how the cars are alot lighter im wondering how it would handle it. Im not building a drift car or a track car just a good fun streeter. I already have a rb26 , im just not sure i want to chop the wings of on the gearbox mount.
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