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Posts posted by blairjj

  1. Tony,


    My wife didn't know about my love/obsession with Zcars when we got married. (It was dormant waiting for the right job ($$$) to come along to support my habit). Once I started again, I quickly filled every storage space in the house with parts. She still doesn't understand it, but she is ~mostly~ agreeable but the following have helped me considerably:


    1) Honesty... "Honey if I don't get those JDM headlight covers... my doctor says I'm a goner" (p.s. Having the doctor write a note helps).


    2) Barter... "Honey if you let me get ANOTHER RHD 280ZXT 2+2, I'll process all outstanding items on the honey-do list"...


    3) Begging... "Honey... PLEASE let me get this part... (get down on knees) PLEASE... PLEASE... PLEASE (continue ad nauseum)"


    4) Embellish... "Honey... you don't understand, it is made from 110% Mr. K approved genuine JDM unobtanium... I mean from an island that small, and far away (like 10,000 miles) this HAS to be the ONLY one like this left"


    5) Economics... "Honey (with spreadsheet of calculations) If I buy this, my buddy Larry's friend's cousin Phil said that his brother-in-law's boss, Curtis needs _______ from what I'd be getting and that will pay for what I'm spending (er... spent)... So, see... I'm saving us money...."


    6) Romance... Plan a REALLY nice dinner and night out now... for the Anniversary... This one is tricky as you have indicated that you want something, this is best saved as a preemptive maneuver...


    7) Quid-Pro-Quo... Buy her something that she wants but would never buy for herself because "it costs too much". This was an embroidery machine in my case (As GOD as my witness, I had NO idea that sewing machines cost that much).


    8) Subterfuge... Buy it, sell off what you can and put profit in the bank... when questioned about the transaction, blame the appropriate "ISTS" (Leftists, Rightists, Communists, etc)


    In the end, you know her best, if honesty and sensibility don't work... is torquing her off worth it?


    Happy Holidays!



  2. Joey,


    Keep the drops going and relax, they will come around. Trust me on this one... Since I did PRK, mine was 6 months, but I think yours will be shorter. I know it will be hard, but try not to "test" yourself and enjoy the holidays, before you know it, they will settle down.



  3. Joey,


    As for the light... Yeah... forgot to mention that part. PRK requires two separate surgeries (or that is at least the way my Doctor does it). Each time I was given a Valium and led into the operating theater. The laid me down and covered my eye that was not being operated on. The eye that was to be operated on was placed in a clamp and held open. There were numbing drops and lots of saline... They focus a very bright white light on you eye and ask you to remain very still. Everything is of course out of focus. I still can only describe it as something close to what I picture an alien abduction being. Definitely a weird procedure. I'm pretty sure it is the same for Lasik, maybe minus the Valium. Dr. Hunt or someone else that had Lasik might want to comment. Not painful, but if you are claustrophobic, might want to discuss with your doctor.


    I also agree with the statements from our Marine friend, the engineer in me was fixated on the stability and strength of the structure of the eye with and with out the flap. I chose to not have a flap.


    Just my $0.02



  4. I had PRK (Lasik w/o the flap) 3 years ago. My vision went from 20/100 to 20/15 in both eyes. Recovery was about 8 months until everything was perfect (night time halo issues). Pain was more intense as the PRK process uses "sanding" to remove the epithelium layer that is sliced and replaced during Lasik. My PRK was customvision. Eye doctor was Brian Stahl http://www.stahlvision.com/index.htm.


    I researched it for 3 years before I finally pulled the trigger. I work on computers all day long and am happy to report I have zero issues. The only thing I gave up is the ability to hold something less than 6 inches in front of my eyes and focus. I use a pair of $2 1.5x reading glasses when I need to do that.


    Just my $0.02



  5. I'd like to jump in and echo positive experiences with 1TuffZ. I have dealt with him on here and through ebay. He is a stand up guy. Wish he lived closer, as I I'd to learn how he always seems to have access to so many choice parts.


    Thanks David!!!!


    If you ever come though Dayton, Ohio dinner is on me.



  6. Derek,


    My paternal grandfather was an alcoholic. I entered college on a full ride (University of Cincy) and Budweisered out after 1 year. I continued to drink daily to excess and pretty much just existed for 2 years. After a friend wrecked and almost died after leaving a party at my house one night, I decided to get sober and try to give school another shot and did very well (Dean's List at new school - Wright State University in Dayton, OH). I started to drink again my senior year and lost my focus. I quit for good shortly after that and went on to get my graduate degree in ME.


    I haven't had a drink in over 12 years and my life seems to be on track. My younger brother was not so lucky as he is still recovering from Alcohol and drugs. He battles it daily and during one of his many recovery attempts during family counciling, I came to realize that I have some addictive tendencies so I switched to Diet Coke. I now drink it like I used to drink beer. ;)



  7. Hey MikeC,


    Which Hurst shifter did you use with your T5? I'm looking at a guy on ebay that has a Hurst Comp/Plus (Hurst # 3910030) for an 83-04 Mustang. That wouldn't be the one you used by chance would it?


    Many Thanks,



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