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Everything posted by lazycyril
cool artwork on the wall there!
friggin expensive for what you get. I mean you could prolly build yourself one for a quarter or half the cost. Or just build yourself a superkart http://www.gixxerkart.com/ zoom! I think it needs bigger tires for that much power though.
Not to terribly far away from me. Alas I dont have cash for it. Would have to change the color anyway. I dont dig yellow. Maybe a nice black with purple pearl. Still need to strip the turbov8 out of the 81 or find somone in the area to smog it for me. -C
I have an old aircooled vw type 4 engine laying about unused. Low horsepower but engine weighs next to nothing. no water cooling needed would make for an intresting hoodline. difficulty: which way does the motor spin on tranny side? and machining of an adapter to house clutch/starter/etc. definatly a crazy cyril project. Also wanted to an electric Z conversion, but nearly fainted when saw the price list for componets. -C
bov poking through hood in order to make as much noise as possible. after all Darius ' bit is about showmanship right?
Here is my of my ugly projects. only 6psi ... Debating about remounting for an intercooler. http://cyril.com/pics/Chevy350turbo.jpg Anyone near Santa Cruz, CA wanna come play?
Thanks, it did get damp. I had to replace the ingition electrical in order to get that to work.(gave me oportunity to fix up some electrical work) It was parked and left in gear... took quite a bit of tugging to pop it out so that the beast could be pulled out to the driveway. wish I had a mini cam to look inside belhouseing area through the throw-arm hole. Maybe I can find a real small usb camera...
Having difficulties with the clutch setup here with this Richmod 4+1 trans. after parking the car for a few months during winter.. I find the clutch suddenly is not working anymore. Its a full mechanical. I can see the arm that hold the through out bering moving. Cannot really see what is happening inside though. Previous problems with tranny included inability to shift into gear at a stop.. I would have to either use excessive force or maye nudge the car in third a foot and then it would shift into first just fine. as long as car was rolling it woudl shift fine. This lead to long periods at stoplights with car in gear and me holding clutch pedal down... Then when I went to start and move the car recently it was stuck in first gear! now had to force it out inorder to push car around. Checked what I could see of the external linkage and it looks fine. Shifter setup is by Long - what Richmond reccamends actually- really heavy duty arms. Will try maxing the adjustment arm out to see if that helps... hard getting to things with the massive headers down there. Just looking for suggestions, not familar with transmissions yet. -C
Located near Santa Cruz, CA The 351C4v is a 351Cleavlaned with the 4v heads. (BIG valves) I have some headers that might work for a 71 cougar, dunno about a datz. Was pondering installing in my 69 cougar but it needs to be sold, to make room. http://cyril.com/pics/cougar
I have a spare 460 engine in the garage that needs a home. to big of a project to do myself though. Was hoping for some help from hitman47 but he seems to be gone. Anyone want a 460? 351C4v?
Get out the hammer! make it fit! lean the radiator forward to buy you a few inches? mount it off to the side a bit? mine was not nearly as big so it got mounted top of the valvecover. still a hood vent was crafted in over it to get a little clearence. http://cyril.com/pics/Chevy350turbo.jpg thinking yours could be located where my ac pump is?
ya know if you want to get yourself beat up, the proper way to do it is to join the marines. That being said lets plan on prepping up a 460 power Z
Yeah it was built and dynod back in '89 by Hendrens machine shop back when the team was local. It was built for use in a big F250 twuck that was intended to haul a heavy log trailer about. It also made a 3 ton '76 Thunderbird move around... noisily No idea how much the thing weighs though. DOVEC heads with lotsa port work done and some sort of aluminummy intake. Remember it did not rev very high. Gotta get rid of a few projects first. 71 Ranchero GT 351C 4v shaker-hood richmond 4+1 tranny Currie/trutrack rear plus lots nifty stuff... For sale, make offer. Also my 81 280zx with the chevy 350 turbocharger setup should go. 69 Cougar for sale as well 351c - hitman47 has been scarce last couple weeks and has not called me back about it website cyril.com
I gots a professionaly blueprinted and built 460 in the garage doing nothing. Just need a properly reinforced z to stuff it in. Also a transmixer strong enough to handle it.
the Arizona z car 4 b intake does not quite work with the motorsport 3into2 exhuastheaders due to tube routing conflits. It can be made to work if you want to dimple an exhuast tube a little to clear an intake runner. Also gasket match the intake and exhust flanges to make shure they will clear each other on the head. Matter of fact I reccammend avoiding the motorsport 3/2 exhuast headers alltogether and just getting the headers from arizona zcar. Spent far to much time wrestling with the 3 into 2 setup getting the lower half onto the upper half. The pipes were warped and had to be heated with a torch and wrestled with for awhile. Amused the muffler shop people for awhile. Also thanks for the tip on the vaccum line needing to goto the manifold and not the carb port. Lil tip not found on thier website.
I have several of these engines about in various vehicles. got an old F250 twuck with a 2v heads and an aftermarket 4 barrel intake and dbl pumper holly. Does ohkay for a truck to haul stuff to the dump. Got a 69 Cougar with a stock 351c and lil two barrel carb. It does well enough to move the cougar about squealling one tire on the non lsd rear and the slightest throttle touch. Got a 71 Ranchero with a probuilt 351c 4v backed up with a richmond 4+1 tranny. Serious money was spent on this at engine shop building it up. heads converted to roller rockers and alot of valve/port work done. High compression quench heads. custom grind cam that opens the valves quickly with alot of overlap. Big ports. not much low end but one you get the revs up to 4k it really kicks. Aerochamber mufflers.. quite loud at 7k rpm I have a spare 351c 4v that I built up for use in the cougar that I never got around to swapping in. Keeping it as a spare. I used a duel plane/runner intake with spreadbore to have smaller primary. hopefully it flow a lil better at low rpm. Got a couple chevy 350 engines for the z. Bit easier to work with parts and install knowledge wise.
Also remember to factor into your costs, that you will want a big 3 inch or so complete stainless steel exhuast system. Plus prolly some shielding. Rotoary exhuast is friggin HOT. I had a first gen beater rx7 for awhile, lotsa miles on it. it had less and less power over time, but was fairly reliable. Was fun little car to throw sideways at whim and with those skinny little tires on it and the moutain roads I commuted.... Wish first gens were smog exempt in Cali, no chance of that happening though Might make for an interesting electric car conversion. Hmm Z car with spare tire and fuel tank area converted into battery storage might work as well.
Anyone think I can make this beasty fit into my 73 240 ? Worried about the extra width ontop with the turbo and the oil line out the bottom. I have the jtr book, and parts already. http://cyril.com/pics/Datz/DCP_0640.JPG Right now its in an 81 2+2 and has issues - fuel system pluggs up or the mechanical fuel pump stops working intermeitidly? That and a rat got into the engine compartment and made a nest... pooped all over the place and chewed through all the wiring, etc. teach me to leave car out in the weeds eh? The turbo400 trans seems to slip out of drive, it prolly needs to be rebuilt or replaced with a nice stick. Before the rat issue I replaced the carb with a nice new holley and it ran much nicer.. intake pass through - turbo only used when its under enough load to trigger.. bit of lag when trying to punch it... fun though when it finnaly does close the bypas valve-flappy things. but issues with keeping the car running and not stalling out every 20 feet, and of course trying to get it smogged in california... (bleah) woulda made a nice sleeper if I could have ever hid the v8 sound enough [/img]