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Everything posted by doublez

  1. I assume the handler 135 is very similar to the 140? I can't find specs on the 135. Did you buy yours new? I think I'll just end up getting whatever I can find cheapest. Thanks for the tips guys. I appreciate it
  2. doublez


    Hey, I'm looking for an L28 in the midwest because I'd like to pick it up. I might also be willing to ship it, but I don't want to spend over $500. If you have anything PM me. Thanks
  3. Thanks for the advice. I've read some reviews and what not and I'm definately going with one of the top brands. Now just to find a good deal Today on CL I saw a millermatic 130 and hobart handler 135. Both were listed under 300. Good deals? What is there to look for when seeing a welder? Or is it best to just test weld something with it.
  4. Thanks. I did some more research on the welders I posted and it seems in would be best to find a better brand for a good price on CL or something. I'll check tractor supply.
  5. Hey, I'm looking for a cheap MIG welder. Something I can do body work with and maybe some stuff that's a little thicker. I know how to weld but haven't done a whole lot of mig welding and don't have access to a tig or the money for one. I've been looking at the ones on harbor freight and wondering what more experienced guys think of them? Something like this... http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=94164 or http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=93793 Or should I save up more for something nicer/more expensive? I've also been keeping and eye on craigslist but there isn't much. Are there any other site to check for good deals? Thanks
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