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anyone in snohomish area with megasquirt????

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HELP!!! :( im in snohomish (clearview to be exact) and i just traded for two80z4me's 280z with megasquirt 2 and neither of us have been able to get the ecu to communicate.. i just redid the whole engine harness ive tried some other troubleshooting things as well, but at this point, i either need a stim to test the ecu out, or an ecu to see if the car will run if i just buck up and replace the megasquirt ecu.. i dont know if it got fried somehow or if i just haveent found some normal problem... no idea. ive tried 2 serial/usb cables, two usb ports, both of which pasted the port check, just "no connection made". car turns over but will not fire.. ecu shows 12v at pin 28 on the db37, and 5v at db9 so it appears to be getting power, just not communicating. i couldnt even reflash it cause it wont talk... anyway i traded my dd and have been borrowing my moms car to get to work every day so the sooner i can diagnose the problem the better! anyway thanks for everyones help!!! let me know if you have either an ecu, a stim, or a test car set up with megasquirt 2 thanks!


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