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Rough Starts

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Hey how's it going? Im having an issue with my 77 280z running like crap until it heats up. I sit there (seems like 5 min) for it to get to the point of not shutting off on me, otherwise it will just shut off or idle at 500ish and then shut off. I am also getting a strange popping noise while Im having to hold down the gas, which I believe is comming from the intake. I know it's not the most descriptive post buuuuut that's really all I got. Any help is appreciated

Ps. my cars been sitting for a day and it's completely dead.... noooo idea whats up. I turn the key and it just sits there. no fuel pump naise, no clicking like its a dead battery, my lights dont even turn on. Everything is hooked up nice and tight and my fuses are fine... Soooo... ya Im lost on that one. I did have the rubber stopper, that hits the button to turn my break lights off, disintegrate on me a week ago; however I taped a quarter there to hit it. ^.^b so again any help is appreciated

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The "until it heats up" could mean its something to do with the cold start system. I'd check the cold start injector. Popping could be from the excess fuel being dumped by a leaky cold start injector.


You're car dying is probably unrelated unless you haven't been driving it and aren't charging the battery. Get a multimeter and check the battery voltage cold, at idle and at 3k rpm to check if its charging.

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