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Thoughts on triple weber fuel line routing


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Folks, looking for some feedback on my planned fuel line routing for my triple weber install.  Currently, my set-up with SU's is as follows: Tank > fuel filter > fuel pump > fuel filter > custom fuel hard line with two T's that feed the SU's > fuel pressure regulator (3.5 PSI) > return to tank.


My question is, would it be feasible to plumb the triples in-between the two T's on the current fuel hard line?  Right now, the existing 2 T's feed 1 SU each.  My triples have T fittings on all 3 carbs.  


Pictures are worth a thousand words, so first picture is my current plumbing with SU's, and then the beautiful and very professional MS Paint picture is what I was thinking I could do without having to change too much to my current system.  Thoughts on why it would or wouldnt work? Any risk of fuel starvation?


Thanks in advance.






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I am sure it would be fine.

Personally I don't think Webers are as picky about how they get their fuel.

I've run a variety of pressures (including none) and it has to be a pretty gross violation for them to stop working.


Mine are just deadhead.

Tank-pump-filter-regulator (5 psi) to carb 1, 2 then 3 and done.


One day I will do a cool looking setup like yours.

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Tank => filter => pump => filter => carb => carb => carb => FPR => return


This is what you have suggested, but with your hard line immediately above and parallel to the carbs removed. It may be redundant anyways.


You Paint skills far surpass mine, BTW.

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Thanks for the input fellas. Though I would like to eliminate the hardline and replace with braided lines and AN fittings, my "cheap" spring project has already surpassed $1000. I already had the carbs, manifold, and part of the linkage. It's the small stuff that adds up quick!


Hopefully, I will have it all on the car and running by next weekend.

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