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(Custom made) $17 Air flow meter boot!

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So I'm going to preface this by saying this is the type of boot that does not have the return valve junction in it, my return valve goes into my throttle body.


So my boot was completely shot, previous owner had kept it together with masking tape and electrical tape... oye...


So I went and looked at how much it would cost to replace and I just did not want to spend 50-60$ + shipping for a little rubber bit... So I made one from stuff from the hardware store near by.



1x 3" rubber corner coupling ($10.99)

1x 2" rubber coupling ($4.99)

1x Cutting tool

1x Rubber glue/weld


Step 1: (Image: http://i.imgur.com/fKDI2gs.jpg)

Cut the the ends off the 3" rubber corner coupling, this will leave a tube that fits perfectly over the AFM port.


Step 2: (Image: http://i.imgur.com/ktNVpmX.jpg)

Cut the 2" rubber coupling in half, this part fits perfectly over the engine air intake.


Step 2.1 (optional): (Image: http://i.imgur.com/nonjdn5.jpg)

Trim the inside of the 2" air coupling down so air flows a bit better.


Step 3:

Put the 2 pieces together and make sure it's not to long or short. You will need to unbolt the AFM to get a good, secure fit.


Step 4: (Image: http://i.imgur.com/S8kViEH.jpg)

Glue the 2 coupling pieces together and let it set, I made sure to smooth the glue on the inside as well just to make sure I got a better air flow.

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