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horizontal pedal space


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For stock pedals, heel toe shifting results in rolling my foot over as opposed to using my heel. Has anybody modified their pedals so that there is more space between? 

The stock pedals are bent to place them closer to the transmission tunnel. Would reducing the angle of the clutch and brake pedals help alleviate the issue? 

Finding a fairlady won't work for me, sadly.  :icon50:

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Most pedals require you to roll your feet over. There are lots of aftermarket pedal pads you could add to make it easier, but beware. I was once at a track day and overheated the brake fluid and as the pedal got softer my foot was hitting the gas pedal without me being aware, so I ended up boiling the fluid that much faster as I inadvertantly stepped on the brake and the gas at the same time. This was with stock pedals, so adding more to the bottom left of the gas pedal would potentially make that problem worse.


I wouldn't try to change the bend in the pedals themselves, that definitely sounds like the hard way.

Edited by JMortensen
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I didn't realize most cars are similar. I learned to heel toe in my CRX which has plenty of space. Use of the heel feels more precise to me. Possibly due to the amount of time I spent in the rex. 


Using a torch to heat the arm of the pedal would allow it to bend easier as well as put the pedal slightly closer to the driver. Cutting off the angled portion and welding it straight is beyond my know how but could work. 

If modifying the arm seems like the hard way, then the other option would be to put new pedals in. Finding a car with straight arms and then fabbing a system up to use the throttle and brake systems doesn't sound much more difficult than the above option.

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I've had bad success with pedal pads not wanting to stay on while driving and typically being a pain just to get them on perfectly. Nor do they exactly accomplish what I want. Pads can give more or less area to perform footwork but don't do much in the way of changing the distance between the two pedals.

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